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ZNL14 Rohde & Schwarz Network Analyzer Used

ZNL14 Rohde & Schwarz Network Analyzer Used

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  • Vector network analyzer, 5 kHz to 14 GHz, two ports, N (f)
  • 3 in 1 testing device with optional spectrum analyzer and power meter
  • Combines several high quality instruments into one compact unit
  • Higher measurement speed and better RF performance than dedicated instruments in comparable classes
  • Two-port vector network analyzer for bi-directional measurements
  • Simultaneously displays vector network analysis and spectrum analysis measurements
  • Clear menu structures and numerous wizards make measurements convenient to configure
  • Fully portable - several optional items to enable field use including batteries and vehicle power supply
  • 10.1" multitouch screen
  • Wide dynamic range of typ. 130 dB
  • Output power range from –40 dBm to typ. + 3 dBm
  • Measurement bandwidths from 1 Hz to 500 kHz
  • Fast measurements of 16.7 ms for 401 points (100 kHz IFBW, 200 MHz span, two-port TOSM (SOLT))
  • Windows 10 operating system
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With the appropriate options, the R&S ZNL can combine a vector network analyzer, a spectrum analyzer and a power meter in a single, compact box. The all-in-one instrument is ideal for development, production and service environments with their constantly changing test requirements.

Solid RF performance

The R&S ZNL is a vector network analyzer that can characterize electronic networks in the frequency domain by measuring S-parameters, magnitude and phase. The R&S ZNL-K2 option can analyze components in the time domain.

High dynamic range

The R&S ZNL features a wide dynamic range of up to 130 dB (typ. at 10 Hz IFBW) and typical output power of 3 dBm. These values help with measurements on high-rejection filters that require a wide dynamic range.

Low trace noise for high accuracy

The R&S  ZNL has low trace noise of less than 0.0025 dB (typically at 10 kHz IFBW) for stable, reproducible and precise measurements even at higher IF bandwidths. The R&S®ZNL uses higher IF bandwidths for faster measurements while maintaining the stability normal for narrower IF bandwidths.

Fast measurements for high throughput

The R&S ZNL satisfies production speed requirements with measurement times of 16.7 ms for 401 points (full two-port calibration, 200 MHz span, 100 kHz IFBW),high-speed data processing and fast LAN or IEC/IEEE/GPIB data transfer. The segmented sweep function can help maximize throughput. The frequency axis is divided into segments and sweep parameters such as output power, IF bandwidth and the number of points are defined separately for each segment to best match the DUT characteristics and increase measurement speed without sacrificing accuracy.

Versatile calibration features, calibration unit support 

The R&S ZNL calibration wizard guides users through the calibration process and supports both manual calibration kits and automatic calibration units. Automatic calibration units minimize the time needed to correct system errors.

The calibration unit can be used upon connection to the R&S ZNL. A setup can be calibrated in a few simple steps, a big benefit in production environments, where saving time and maximizing throughput are critical. A single click on the “Start Auto Cal” button starts the calibration process.

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