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More confidence in measurement results
More fun to use
More functions and faster results
Engineered for multi-domain challenges
The Rohde and Schwarz RTE1032 is truly uncompromised in performance and impressively user-friendly. With a 350 MHz bandwidth and top performance parameters, the Rohde and Schwarz RTE1032 oscilloscopes set standards in their class.
Precise measurements due to very low inherent noise
The R&S RTE was developed with the objective of minimizing noise, from matched BNC-compatible inputs with 18 GHz bandwidth to high-precision A/D converters and extremely low-noise frontends. At 1 GHz bandwidth and 1 mV/div input sensitivity, the R&S RTE oscilloscopes have a very low RMS noise of 100 µV, allowing precise measurements even at the smallest vertical resolutions.
Single-core A/D converter and up to 16-bit vertical resolution
Rohde & Schwarz developed a monolithic A/D converter for the R&S RTE oscilloscopes. The chip’s single-core architecture minimizes signal distortion and achieves more than seven effective bits over the entire frequency range. With the low-noise frontend, this is the foundation for the oscilloscopes’ extraordinarily high measurement accuracy and dynamic range. Increasing the vertical resolution to up to 16-bit with the high definition mode (HD mode) makes even the smallest signal details visible.
Full measurement bandwidth, even at 500 µV/div
Thanks to very low-noise frontends, the R&S RTE oscilloscopes offer an input sensitivity down to 500 µV/div. This is unmatched on the market. Other oscilloscopes attain 1 mV/div sensitivity only by employing software-based zooming or by limiting the bandwidth. R&S RTE oscilloscopes, however, show a signal's real sampling points over the full measurement bandwidth, even at 500 µV/div sensitivity. This high measurement accuracy is particularly beneficial when measuring small signal amplitudes.
High time resolution combined with deep memory
The R&S RTE offers a combination of sampling rate and memory depth that is unique in this class. A sampling rate of 5 Gsample/s at a memory depth of 50 Msample is available per channel. This ensures high time resolution and excellent signal fidelity, even for long acquisition sequences, e.g. when analyzing transients of switched-mode power supplies.
Finding rare signal faults quickly thanks to one million waveforms/s
The acquisition cycle of a digital oscilloscope consists of two steps. First, the oscilloscope samples the signal and stores the samples. In a second step, it processes these samples and displays the waveform on the screen. During this period, the oscilloscope is “blind” to the signal. Signal faults that occur during this blind time remain hidden to the user. Fast detection of rare signal faults requires an oscilloscope with short blind time and a high acquisition rate. The core of R&S RTE oscilloscopes is an ASIC that was especially designed for parallel processing. As a result, the R&S RTE can acquire, analyze and display more than one million waveforms per second without a special acquisition mode. The high acquisition rate makes it possible to find signal faults faster and more reliably, effectively shortening debugging time.
Accurate triggering with a digital trigger system
The unique Rohde & Schwarz digital trigger system is also used in the R&S RTE oscilloscopes. It consists of one common path for acquisition signal and trigger signal. The instruments determine if the trigger condition has been met by directly analyzing the digitized signal independently of the current sampling rate. This is why Rohde & Schwarz oscilloscopes have extremely low trigger jitter, very high trigger sensitivity and high measurement accuracy.
Precise fault detection with diverse trigger modes
R&S RTE oscilloscopes have 14 different trigger modes for precisely isolating relevant signal events. In addition to simple trigger conditions such as edge, pulse width and runt, it also supports complex conditions such as logical combination of channels, a bit pattern trigger and a video trigger (NTSC, PAL, PAL-M, SECAM, EDTV, HDTV). A wide range of serial protocol trigger options are also available.
High-resolution touchscreen
The high-resolution 10.4" XGA touchscreen is one of the highlights of the R&S RTE.
The oscilloscope is optimized for touchscreen operation:
Fully customizable display
When working with multiple signals, the screen becomes easily cluttered. R&S RTE oscilloscopes are different. They display waveforms, buses and measurement results in realtime in the form of signal icons on the edge of the screen. These miniature views can be dragged and dropped onto the main screen. When multiple waveforms need to be displayed simultaneously, the Rohde & Schwarz SmartGrid function helps the user to keep the screen well organized by flexibly dividing it into several diagrams or tabs. Individual waveforms can be displayed in a clear, well-structured manner. The A/D converter range is optimally used for highest accuracy.
Fast access to important tools
A toolbar at the upper edge of the screen provides access to frequently used functions such as measurements, zoom, FFT and the recycle bin. The toolbar can be customized to contain the user’s favorite tools. Related tools are clearly organized in groups. There are just two steps involved in using a function: selecting the tool and applying it to the waveform.
Semi-transparent dialog boxes with signal flow diagrams
Signal flow diagrams in the dialog boxes visualize the signal processing, making it easier to configure measurements. Crosslinks take you directly to logically related settings. Forward/back buttons help to navigate quickly between dialog boxes. Semi-transparent dialog boxes are an elegant way of keeping everything in view. The measurement diagrams always maintain their original size. The level of transparency can be set via the intensity button. Users can scale the dialog boxes and position them anywhere on the screen.
Signal details at your fingertip
Zoom is a standard digital oscilloscope tool for analyzing the details of a captured signal.
R&S RTE oscilloscopes also offer other useful features:
Fast access to instrument setups
Digital oscilloscopes allow users to save instrument settings and recall them at any time. R&S RTE oscilloscopes make it very easy to select the right setup: just click the instrument setup icon on the toolbar to open a dialog box with all of the saved configurations. Each configuration has a screenshot that shows the screen at the time at which it was saved. The user can take advantage of these screenshots to quickly scroll through the possible choices.
Remote control access
R&S RTE oscilloscopes can also be remote controlled using a PC or other device via remote desktop or VNC. The user sees the same user interface and uses the same functions as on the oscilloscope itself.
Documentation at the push of a button
R&S RTE oscilloscopes help you document measurements:
Selection of languages
The R&S RTE oscilloscopes' user interface supports multiple languages. The language can be changed in just a few seconds – while the instrument is running. The R&S RTE is a true international instrument.
Model No
Rohde & Schwarz
350 MHz
Record length
20 MPts
Sampling rate
5 GS/s
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