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R3361C Advantest Spectrum Analyzer Used

R3361C Advantest Spectrum Analyzer Used

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Additional Features:

  • Frequency range: 9 kHz to 2.6 GHz 
  • Impedance: 50 ohms
  • Amplitude measuring range: -130dBm to +25dBm
  • Resolution bandwidth: 30 Hz minimum
  • Video Bandwidth: 1 kHz to 3.6 GHz
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The Advantest R3361C provides synthesizer operation with high frequency accurate and stability. For specified setting conditions the total level accuracy is <1 dB. The digital functions provide great ease of operation and signal processing capabilities like top-class instruments. The Advantest R3361C has built-in tracking generator and a color display.

The Advantest R3361C uses a synthesized technique to cover wide frequency bands. This compact analyzer offers high-performance functions such as the 1 Hz resolution frequency setting function and 1 Hz resolution frequency counter function.

The R3361C is easy to operate because it incorporates unique features such as the user-defined functions and measuring window function. The analyzer is small and useful for measurement and analysis of all kinds, from maintenance to research and development.

Model No







2.6 GHz