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70 dB dynamic range
The dynamic range at 0.2 nm from the peak wavelength is better than 42 dB and is a high 58 dB min. at 0.4 nm from the peak, permitting high-accuracy measurement of DWDM systems with a 50 GHz (0.4 nm) channel spacing. The analyzer demonstrates its excellence in SNR measurement of WDM light sources, as well as in evaluation of narrow-band optical band pass filters.
–90 dBm guaranteed optical reception sensitivity
The MS9710C has achieved an improved S/N over a wide range by countering the effects of noise and stray light. The RMS noise level at wavelengths from 1250 to 1600 nm is –90 dBm max. The screen display below is the waveform obtained when measuring a 1550 nm DFB-LD optical source with a power level of –85 dBm; only 25 seconds are required for one sweep. The S/N ratio can be improved using sweep averaging.
Relying on WDM transmission
As a result of the need for increased transmission capacity, R&D into large-capacity transmission techniques is becoming more active and Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) is now in use. This WDM transmission technology requires quantitative measurement of the signal quality and wavelength transmission characteristics of each channel.
Measuring instruments for this purpose require highly accurate wavelength and level measurements. Furthermore, accurate measurement of fiber-amplifier NF requires extremely good polarization dependant loss characteristics and level linearity specifications.
The MS9710C design achieves excellent wavelength and level specifications for this purpose in the 1520 to 1620 nm wavelength band and also in the extended band (L-band) to 1620 nm. In particular, the wavelength accuracy can be calibrated automatically using an optional internal reference wavelength light source; the post-calibration accuracy is better than ±20 pm.
Full function lineup
In addition to its excellent basic functions, the MS9710C comes with a full lineup of other useful functions:
The MS9710C is a diffraction-grating spectrum analyzer for analyzing optical spectra in the 600 to 1750 nm wavelength band. In addition to uses such as measurement of LD and LED spectra, it has functions for measuring the transmission characteristics of passive elements such as optical isolators, as well as NF/Gain of optical fiber amplifier systems. In addition to its basic features, the superior stability and reliability of the diffraction grating (patent pending) offer the severe level and wavelength specifications particularly in the WDM band. This analyzer has the dynamic range, reception sensitivity and sweep speed requested by users, backed by Anritsu’s high-level technology. The high sensitivity meets the exacting demands placed on today’s measuring instruments. In particular, the excellent wavelength and level specifications fully meet the dense WDM requirements (1520 to 1620 nm).
The MS9710C Optical Spectrum Analyzer is the successor to the popular MS9710B but with improved functions and higher performance. The specifications have been upgraded for the important 1.55 µm band for WDM communications and have also been optimised to include the new requirements for the L-band (1570 to 1620 nm) use. In addition to the high reliability and excellent basic performance, this analyzer has a full range of application functions to support accurate measurement in the fastest possible time.
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