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JDSU has a long history of integrating the high-level functions and advanced technology necessary for maintaining cable networks into scalable hardware and software platforms. Coupling the innovative Signal Analysis Meter (SAM) with award-winning Stealth Sweep technology (Patent No. 5,585,842), JDSU delivers sweep meter solutions unequalled in their ability to perform advanced tests and measurements. These capabilities were integrated into the SDA-5000 series of products, which soon earned its current industry-lead position.
JDSU introduced the DSAM (Digital Service Activation Meter) when DOCSIS standards pushed the industry to adopt a common technology for delivering flawless high-speed data and IP services. This award-winning, landmark meter integrated JDSU’s well-known Service Analysis Meter (SAM) functions with DOCSIS cable modem and PacketCable multimedia terminal adapter (MTA) elements and a PC-based management and file system.
Now, JDSU has introduced the next Wavetek Field Meter, the DSAM-6000 Digital Services Analysis Meter. Recognizing that maintaining cable networks requires more than sweep, JDSU combined the DSAM’s video, audio, and data test functions with the SDA’s downstream forward path and upstream return path sweep functions and created a rugged, multitechnology handheld that performs in the harshest environments.
Because it uses the SDA's powerful Stealth Sweep technology, the DSAM-6000 can be used with existing SDA rackmounted sweep gear, SDA-5500 and SDA-5510, located at headend and hub sites. Additionally, the DSAM-6000 meters can sweep side-by-side with SDA-5000 meters. Therefore, major modifications are not required when DSAM-6000 meters are added to a department’s pool of meters.
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