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Supplied Accessories:
The DAQ6510 is a precision data acquisition and logging system that creates a new level of simplicity compared with the often complicated configuration and control found in many stand-alone solutions. A large 5-inch (12.7 cm) multi-touch display will guide users through set-up, data visualization, and analysis, removing the necessity of a PC and custom software for many applications. If you prefer or require a PC, a complement of IVI and Labview drivers and the Keithley KickStart Instrument Control Software are available to help with any application.
Using Keithley’s newest 6½-digit multimeter technology, you will find even greater accuracy, functionality, and speed. Two-year accuracy specifications are included, so you can be assured your critical measurements remain accurate and fully traceable.
With 12 plug-in switching and control modules available and two module slots, you can build a test system that can measure or control up to 80 devices-under-test (DUTs) in a multiplexing configuration. With two 6×8 matrix modules, a total of 96 crosspoints, the DAQ6510 can test one or multiple ICs. For high volume production testing, select a solid state multiplexer module to maximize throughput with 800 channels/s scanning speed and minimize downtime compared with fixed life, electro-mechanical relays. A number of modules have cold junction compensation, temperature references for thermocouple temperature monitoring of devices during environmental testing, and HALT and HASS accelerated life testing. Even switch signals from wireless devices with RF modules having a maximum switching frequency of 3.5 GHz.
Visualize, Execute, and Debug Your Test Setup in Minutes
Build a test sequence and define the required measurements from one setup screen. First, select the channels that will be used. Next, assign a measurement function to a channel or a group of channels. Then define both the time interval between measurements and scans if multiple scans are required. That is the minimum set of parameters needed to run a test. There are additional optional parameters to adjust the measurements and the switching to meet a specific application. One option eases the identification of channels by allowing the creation of a name for each channel. Do all this from two menus and see – on one screen – how each channel is configured. The touchscreen, graphic display shows the channel setup and the measurement programmed for each channel.
To test channels during setup, manually close channels on the setup screen. The measurement on that channel is displayed next to the closed channel. Thus, channel performance can be verified during set up or debugged if the measurement is out of the expected range before the test is executed.
Maximize the Range of Tests with an Extensive Array of Plug-In Switch Modules
Build a DAQ6510 test system with a selection of 12 plug-in switch modules with a wide range of functionality. Select from high-density, 40-channel multiplexer modules, a 6×8 matrix module, and multiplexer modules with digital I/O and analog output. Also select a control module and two RF modules with 2 GHz and 3.5 GHz bandwidths. Thus, the DAQ6510 with its 12 switch modules provides an extensive range of flexibility to build a wide range of data acquisition or test systems.
Channels can be configured for any DMM measurement. For example, measure the temperature of devices in an environmental chamber with thermocouples using the plug-in switch modules that have automatic cold reference junction compensation for thermocouple measurements. Measure up to 80 devices with two switch modules. Also measure other parameters in addition to temperature. The low frequency, multiple pole switch modules can allow measurement of voltage, 2-wire- and 4-wire resistance, and frequency. In addition, two modules have current measurement channels.
Test a Wide Range of Devices and Components with 6½-digit DMM High Performance Measurements
Make your measurements with instrument-grade quality. The DAQ6510 is a fully-featured 6½-digit DMM. The chart below shows all of the DAQ6510’s 15 measurement functions and ranges. All these measurement functions can be used with the various plug-in switch modules. Furthermore, a channel can be programmed for enhanced measurement features to address requirements for tighter tolerance or higher speed.
For maximum accuracy, measurements can be filtered and integrated over a range of time intervals. Low resistance readings can be improved with a thermal offset compensation measurement technique. The DAQ6510 excels in low resistance measurement with 1 μΩ sensitivity.
For maximizing measurement speed, make measurements as short as 0.0005 power line cycles (PLCs) or 8.3 μs for 60 Hz power lines (10 μs for 50 Hz power lines). To analyze transient signals, use the DAQ6510’s digitizing function to sample a voltage or current waveform at up to 1M sample/s.
Monitor Any Temperature Range and Select Optimal Accuracy Using a Wide Range of Temperature Sensors
The DAQ6510 can process signals from any of eight thermocouple types to test over an extreme range of temperatures, –200°C to 1820°C. For more accurate temperature readings over a narrower temperature range, the DAQ6510 can measure temperature from –80°C to 150°C with a 2-year accuracy of 0.08°C using 2.5 kΩ, 5 kΩ, and 10 kΩ thermistors. Alternatively, the DAQ6510 can measure temperature between –200°C and 850°C using resistance temperature detectors (RTDs) with 2-wire, 3-wire, and 4-wire configurations. Using a 4-wire RTD, temperature can be measured with an excellent 2-year accuracy of 0.06°C.
The Series 7700 plug-in switch modules have multiple cold junction compensation (CJC) circuits. The CJC circuits are spaced around the module to ensure maximum accuracy for all channels measuring thermocouples.
Save Valuable Time with Continuous Monitoring of Scan Test Status
Never lose time with a test in which a problem such as a broken wire, a mis-wired connection, or a defective DUT can invalidate days of data. Use the scan status, swipe screen to continuously monitor channels. The status screen shows the percentage of the test that has been completed, the number of scans that have been completed, measurements on channels selected for monitoring, and whether any measurements are out of range. A quick view of the display can give an indication of the status of the test at any time during the test. In addition to an indication of measurements in an overflow condition, limit settings can be programmed for any channel. The Status screen will display an out-of-limit indication when any channel’s measurement is outside the channel’s limit settings.
Maintain an Automated Test while Interacting with the Instrument
Need to perform a quick check to ensure there are no problems with the measurements that the DAQ6510 is taking? Want to review the trend of the data? The DAQ6510 can be operated from the front panel while a test is in progress. Data can be viewed in a table or displayed on a plot without interrupting an automated scan sequence.
Never Lose Data and Test Time
Data can be stored to an external USB memory stick to prevent data loss in the event of interruption of line power.
The DAQ6510 also has an option to automatically restart scanning after a power interruption. If main power is lost, the DAQ6510 will re-start the scan when the power is restored. The new data will be stored in a separate data buffer with time-stamped measured data so that the lost time due to the power failure can be noted. Of most importance, there is no lost test time due to the instrument sitting idle following a power outage.
Save Test Time in Automated Test Systems
To maximize throughput and minimize total test time, use the reed relay or the solid state relay multiplexer module to achieve scanning speeds up to 800 channels/s. Also save test time by reducing communication with the test controller.
The DAQ6510 has the built-in intelligence to execute a test script, make decisions, and control other instruments. The DAQ6510 has Keithley’s Test Script Processor (TSP®) measurement and control language that the user can use to either execute existing scripts or write custom scripts to run tests. TSP® scripting allows running powerful test scripts directly on the instrument, without the need for an external PC controller. These test scripts are complete test programs based on an easy-to-use yet highly efficient and compact scripting language, LUA (www.lua.org). Scripts are a collection of instrument control commands and/or program statements. Program statements control script execution and provide facilities such as variables, functions, branching, and loop control. This allows you to create powerful measurement applications without an integrated development environment (IDE). Test scripts can contain any sequence of routines that are executable by conventional programming languages (including decision-making algorithms), so the instrument can manage every facet of the test without the need to communicate with a PC for decision making. This eliminates delays due to GPIB, Ethernet, or USB traffic congestion and greatly improves test times.
TSP® technology also offers mainframe-less channel expansion. The KTTI-TSP is a user installable accessory card offering connectivity to TSP-Link technology. This channel expansion bus allows connecting multiple DMM6510’s, other TSP-enabled instruments, and any LAN-based instruments together to form a tightly-synchronized instrument system. Connection is provided with simple low cost Category 5 Ethernet cabling. The system is organized in a master-subordinate configuration, essentially allowing the connected instruments to act as one. Other Keithley TSP-enabled instruments include the 2450, 2460, and 2461 Graphical SourceMeter® Source Measure Unit (SMU) Instruments, Series 2600B SourceMeter® (SMU) Instruments, DMM7510, DMM6500, and Series 3700A Switch/Multimeter systems. TSPLink technology supports up to 32 instruments, so it’s easy to scale a system to fit the requirements of an application.
With the TSP-Link interface option, the KTTI-TSP, the DAQ6510 can control other Keithley TSP instruments or control any instrument with a LAN interface. For example, the DAQ6510 can send commands to a temperature chamber to operate at specific temperatures and execute a scan when the chamber has reached the programmed temperatures. In fact, the DAQ6510 can execute an automated sequence entirely without a PC thus saving test time and reducing the capital cost of the system. Using the TSP language to create a script, the user can display messages for an operator in an automated or a semi -automated test system.
Data Logging Software Simplifies PC Control, Acquisition, and Analysis
KickStart allows you to configure, test, and collect data from multiple instruments, including DMMs, power supplies, SMU instruments, and dataloggers. You can control up to eight instruments at the same time and retrieve millions of readings from each instrument. This makes KickStart a great solution for your datalogging needs and for capturing lots of data from transient events with a digitizing DMM.
Getting insights quickly is important, so KickStart plots your data immediately and dedicates a large portion of the viewing area to the graph, while also allowing you to view and edit the most essential parameters of other instruments in your test setup. Kickstart also includes comparison tools to allow you to plot and overlay data from the run history of each test.
Key KickStart features:
Automate data collection from up to eight instruments
Replicate tests quickly using saved test configurations
Application Programs Expand DAQ6510 Utility
Add customized applications to the DAQ6510 to enhance the instrument’s capability.
The DAQ6510 includes factory-installed applications that:
These examples highlight the unique ability of the DAQ6510 to run specialized applications that customize the user interface. This can significantly change the way information is displayed or even automated while running a test.
Ready to Use Instrument Drivers Simplify Programming
Prefer to create your own customized application software? Native National Instruments Labview®, IVI-C, and IVI-COM drivers are available for downloading to simplify the programming process. For the DAQ6510 Labview driver, please visit www.ni.com; for IVI drivers please visit www.tek.com.
Wide Range of PC Interfaces
You can choose the interface that is most suitable for your needs. Two PC interfaces, LAN LXI and USB, on the DAQ6510 are standard. In addition, field-installable interface options include a GPIB interface, an RS-232 interface, and the Keithley TSP-Link interface. All these options include six digital I/O ports for direct instrument-instrument synchronization and communication.
Use as a DMM for Test and Troubleshooting
The DAQ6510 has front panel input terminals that enable use of the DAQ6510 as a 6½-digit DMM. When multiple channel measurements are not needed, the DAQ6510 functions as a DMM. Use the DAQ6510 with its front panel terminals to troubleshoot a test setup, a circuit, or to verify the value of a component. Save bench space and cost with an instrument that performs like a DMM and a data logger. The dual functionality enables maximized utilization of your instrument.
Reduce Test System Downtime and Save on Lifetime Costs
Unplanned system downtime results in loss of productivity and delayed product shipments or loss of valuable development time during product audit testing, accelerated life testing, and environmental testing. To avoid unplanned downtime, the DAQ6510’s plug-in switch modules have counters for each relay that monitor the number of relay contact closures. Thus, when relay switch closures approach the manufacturers’ relay life specification, the switch card module can be replaced during scheduled maintenance.
Many of the plug-in switch modules have multi-pin D-sub connectors to ensure secure, minimal maintenance connections in automated test environments. The D-sub connectors minimize downtime when changing plug-in switch modules during system maintenance or during the setup of a new test system.
The DAQ6510 is specified for both 1-year and 2-year accuracy specifications with little difference between the 1-year and 2-year specifications. Thus, for most applications, the calibration cycle for the DAQ6510 can be two years. This will reduce the life cycle costs on your DAQ6510 by half.
The DAQ6510 will save on unplanned system downtime, minimize planned downtime, and save on lifetime calibration costs making the DAQ6510 a highly economical asset in any test system.
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