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Voltage Measurement SLOW, MED
6 V Range
60 V Range
Voltage Measurement FAST
6 V Range
60 V Range
Resistance Measurement SLOW, MED
30 mΩ Range
300 mΩ Range
3 Ω Range
30 Ω Range
300 Ω Range
3 kΩ Range
Resistance Measurement FAST
30 mΩ Range
300 mΩ Range
3 Ω Range
30 Ω Range
300 Ω Range
3 kΩ Range
Accuracy of Auxiliary Measurement Parameters
Bin Comparator Function
Trace Function
Instrument Settings
The BA6010 Series battery analyzers measure voltage and resistance of modern battery technologies with high accuracy, resolution, and speed. Additionally, these instruments provide auxiliary measurement parameters inductance, capacitance, dissipation factor, impedance, quality factor, reactance, and phase angle in degrees and radians.
The BA6010 Series is suitable for characterizing battery chemistries that are responsive to a 1 kHz AC stimulus signal, including lead acid, lithium and alkaline type batteries used in consumer products, electric vehicles, power backup, security, and fire alarm systems. Model BA6011 supports voltage measurements of battery packs up to 300 V whereas the BA6010 features a 6 V measurement range ideal for battery cell testing. The handler and remote interfaces expands the analyzer’s application to R&D and automated manufacturing environments.
Wide range of measurements
Two user-selected measurements can be displayed simultaneously, along with stimulus signals Vm and Im. Unlike comparable battery testers that only support voltage and resistance measurements, users can also characterize additional parameters such as battery capacitance thus providing additional insight into a battery’s condition.
Improved measurement accuracy
The 4-terminals on the front of the BA6010 Series are used together with the Kelvin clip test fixture. This system minimizes the influence of the test lead resistance and improves measurement accuracy. On screen monitoring system detects test probe contact failure and damaged leads for reliable measurements.
Binning function
Quickly sort components using up to 9 bins. The bin results are displayed on-screen with each cycle. The handler interface includes dedicated signal pins for each bin, Pass/Fail and end of measurement. The handler interface is suitable for integration with device handler systems or programmable logic controllers (PLC) used in production automation.
Statistical function
The analyzers can perform statistical calculations on the measurements and display the results on-screen.
Comparator function
The comparator function evaluates measurements against a user specified upper and lower limit for pass/fail (Go/No Go) style testing. Comparative evaluations can be made using primary, secondary or both measurements. The front panel PASS / FAIL indicator will illuminate and a sounder can be enabled for audible confirmation.
Trace function
The trace function samples and plots two user-selected measurement readings over a specified time. Enable cursors for viewing plotted values and time stamp information.
Model No
B&K Precision
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