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The BK Precision 9117 is a multi-range programmable DC power supply that offers an output rating of 0-80V of voltage, 0-120A of current, and 3000 W of max power output.
Unlike conventional supplies with fixed output ratings, this multi-range power supply automatically recalculates voltage and current limits for each setting, providing full output power in any Volt/Amp combination within the rated voltage and current limits.
For benchtop applications, this series provides a numerical keypad for direct data entry along with convenient cursors and analog-style knobs to quickly make incremental voltage or current changes. System integrators benefit from the standard USB (USBTMC-compliant), RS-232, GPIB, RS-485, and LAN (9117 only) interfaces supporting SCPI commands. Alternatively, users can control the power supply, execute test sequences or log measurements using the provided PC software application. This software also integrates with Data Dashboard for LabVIEW apps enabling iOS, Android, or Windows 8 compatible tablets or smartphones to remotely monitor select measurement indicators.
Model No
B&K Precision
120 A
80 V
3 kW