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612A Agilent RF Generator Used

612A Agilent RF Generator Used

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Additional Features:

  • Frequency range: 450 to 1250 MHz
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The Agilent 612A is an all purpose, precision signal generator, covering the frequencies of 450 MHz to 1230 MHz, particularly designed for the important UHF -TV frequency band. It is ideally suited for measurements in UHF television broadcasting, DME, TACAN and airborne transponders.One key feature of this signal generator is its ability to be modulated externally by a video signal from 20 Hz to 5 MHz at up to 85% AM. This essentially makes the unit a frequency variable UHF video modulator. Pulse modulation provides for pulses of 1 µS or greater. The Agilent 612A provides 0.5 V into a 50 ohm load with an output accuracy of ±1 dB. The output attenuator gives it a range of 0.1 µV to 0.5 volts. Internal amplitude modulation of 400 Hz and 1 kHz is standard.

Model No







1.25 GHz