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54833D Agilent Mixed Signal Oscilloscope Used

54833D Agilent Mixed Signal Oscilloscope Used

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Additional Features:

  • Bandwidth: 1 GHz 
  • Channels: 2 Analog and 16 Digital
  • Sample Rate: 4 GSa/s
  • Record Length: 4 Mpts
  • Up to 128 Mpts optional memory, also available as after-purchase upgrades
  • Advanced probing solutions
  • Simple, analog-like front panel with Windows ® GUI
  • Time correlation option for the 16900/16700/1680/1690 series logic analyzer and scope
  • Web-enabled remote control and email on trigger
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The Agilent 54833D Mixed-Signal Oscilloscopes uniquely combine the detailed signal analysis of a high-performance scope with the 16-channel timing measurements of a logic analyzer, plus the benefits of fast, usable, and affordable MegaZoom deep memory. On one display you can have both the analog circuit characteristics displayed on the 4 scope channels and the digital signals displayed on the 16 logic timing channels. Digital and analog events are aligned in time so you can easily relate cause and effect in difficult mixed-signal troubleshooting situations. The analog and digital channels are seamlessly integrated giving you familiar scope-like controls of both the analog and digital timing channels. And there is no compromise on the scope side—you just can treat all 18 or 20 channels the same.

The Agilent 54833D 2+16 Channel 1 GHz Mixed-Signal Oscilloscope (MSO) seamlessly integrates 2 scope channels and 16 logic timing channels, providing the detailed signal analysis of a scope with the multi-channel timing measurements and triggering of a logic analyzer. This unique 18 channel capability enables triggering on specific cycles of operation that is beyond the capabilities of traditional 4-channel scopes and is offered at a comparable price. Now with the N5397A FPGA Dynamic Probe, the 16 logic channels can be used to look inside your FPGA.

The 54833D incorporates Agilent's innovative MegaZoom deep memory technology, now available up to an unprecedented 128 Mpts, that provides fast waveform update rates and instant response, even with the deepest memory being acquired. Mixed signal triggering provides a complete set of trigggering features across all 16 timing channels and 2 scope channels.

View and Trigger on up to 4 Analog and 16 Digital Channels
With the Agilent 54830D Series of Mixed-Signal Oscilloscopes (MSOs), you can easily view the complex relationships of your analog and digital signals, as well as the analog characteristics of digital signals. If your embedded designs include complex digital buses such as PCI or SDRAM, the 54830D Series of MSOs allow you to easily trigger on and view up to 20 time-aligned analog and digital signals to isolate problems and cycles of interest.

Industry-Leading Deep Memory with Instant Response
With up to 128 Mpts of acquisition memory, the Agilent 54830 Series of MSOs and DSOs offers superior resolution when capturing long, complex waveforms. But a deep-memory scope doesn’t have to be difficult to use.

Infiniium scopes from Agilent utilize MegaZoom technology through the full 128 Mpts for fast waveform updates and responsive user input controls.

Simple things are simple 
Analog-like front panel provides simple controls for basic functions — easy to find and easy to use.

Easy access to advanced features 
Familiar Windows®-based graphical user interface makes it easy to navigate and access advanced features.

Convenient communication and data sharing 
PC architecture with a standard LAN interface makes it easy to share your work and communicate your results.

Seamless Integration of Analog and Digital Channels
The Agilent 54830D Series Mixed-Signal Oscilloscopes uniquely combine the detailed signal analysis of a high-performance scope with the 16-channel timing measurements of a logic analyzer, plus the benefits of fast, usable, and affordable MegaZoom deep memory.

On one display you can have both the analog circuit characteristics displayed on the 2 or 4 scope channels and the digital signals displayed on the 16 logic timing channels. Digital and analog events are aligned in time so you can easily relate cause and effect in difficult mixed-signal troubleshooting situations. The analog and digital channels are seamlessly integrated giving you familiar scope-like controls of both the analog and digital timing channels. And there is no compromise on the scope side — you just can treat all 18 or 20 channels the same.

Powerful Mixed-Signal Triggering
No matter how complicated the signals you’re dealing with, the Infiniium MSO has a triggering feature that can help you easily untangle it. The Infiniium MSOs provide you with the most complete triggering functionality ever offered in an oscilloscope.
The 54830D Series Infiniium MSOs come with powerful triggering capabilities across all 16 digital channels and all available analog channels so you can easily isolate and analyze complex signals and interactions in your mixed analog and digital designs.

X-Ray Vision for Your FPGAs
The new N5397A FPGA Dynamic Probe for the Infiniium MSO enables its 16 digital channels to capture and trigger on signals inside of your Xilinx FPGA that can then be correlated to external analog activity.

Industry-leading deep memory up to 128 Mpts, without annoying delays

The 54830 Series Infiniium scopes use advanced MegaZoom technology so you get all the benefits of fast, automatic, affordable deep memory. Due to its unique ASIC architecture, this powerful memory management system called MegaZoom can quickly display up to 128 million points of continuous signal history without the usual bottlenecks and frustrating delays.

Instant Response
While first-generation deepmemory scopes update the display slowly, Infiniium’s MegaZoom memory management system instantaneously updates the display even with the deepest memory. And deep memory is on all the time — so you always have the maximum available sample rate and don’t undersample or miss fast events. Discover problems you never found with your first-generation deep-memory scope.

Optimum Resolution
Get the insight you need to solve your debugging challenges in a fraction of the time it used to take. Just press the Autoscale key to automatically adjust the sample rate to achieve the best waveform resolution. Then, as you change the horizontal scale to display more time and view your entire signal, MegaZoom adds more memory to give you the fastest sample rate and best resolution possible. Now you can automatically see events as narrow as 250 ps without using a special mode such as peak detect.

Unprecedented Deep Memory
Every Infiniium 54830 Series with MegaZoom is a deep-memory oscilloscope with up to a standard 2 Mpts of memory on each channel.
Now memory options are available to configure your scope with up to 128 Mpts to capture the longest waveforms without reducing sample rate.

By combining powerful features, ease of use, and industry-leading specifications, Infiniium scopes help you find answers faster. A simple, analog-like front panel, Windows-based interface to easily access advanced features, and powerful connectivity make high-performance capabilities of Infiniium usable.

Model No









1 GHz

Record length

4 MPts

Sampling rate

4 GS/s