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The Keysight 3458A, 8.5 digit multimeter, has a 30-year industrial-benchmark legacy for remarkable DC accuracy and stability. The redesigned 3458A multimeter also has standard lab 8.5-digit precision with leading-edge DCV linearity accuracy, the lowest internal noise, and it is RoHS compliant.
The 3458A is recognized the world over as the standard in high-performance digital multimeters, provides both speed and accuracy in the R&D lab, on the production test floor, and in the calibration lab. The Keysight 3458A is simply the fastest, most flexible, and most accurate multimeter ever offered by Keysight Technologies. In your system or on the bench, the Keysight 3458A saves you time and money with unprecedented test system throughput and accuracy.
With seven-function measurement flexibility and a convenient front panel, the 3458A enables:
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