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16853A Agilent Logic Analyzer Used

16853A Agilent Logic Analyzer Used

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Additional Features:

  • 102 channels
  • 2.5/5 GHz timing capture; 12.5 GHz w/Timing Zoom
  • Up to 128 M sample memory
  • Up to 1.4 GHz trigger sequencer
  • State speed: 350 MHz/700 Mbps; upgradeable to 700 MHz/1.4 Gbps
  • Single-ended and differential probing
  • Application support for many complex designs
  • 15-inch touchscreen
  • Microsoft Windows® 7 Embedded (64-bit)
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Find Elusive Problems Quickly, Even Far from the Trigger Point:

With 2.5 GHz, 400 ps period timing capture across its 102 input channels, and up to 128-megasample memory depth, the Agilent 16853A logic analyzer provides up to 50 percent faster timing capture with deep memory than any other portable logic analyzer on the market, with twice the memory depth.

The industry's Fastest Timing Capture with Deep Memory:

The Agilent 16853A's high-speed timing capture with deep memory lets the designer look back in time to observe the location of the root cause of failure. The high sample resolution of these instruments makes it possible to differentiate timing problems from functional problems, providing the insight needed to shorten the debug and validation process and bring products to market more quickly.

The Agilent 16853A 102-channel Portable Logic Analyzer provides 2.5/5 GHz timing, 350 MHz state, 1 M deep memory, and 250 ps resolution (4 GHz)/ 64K deep timing zoom. Upgradeable logic analyzer memory depth allows you to purchase the capability you need now and upgrade as your needs evolve. The fixed configuration with 15" display (touch screen available) delivers the performance you need along with seamless scope integration and an intuitive interface to help you quickly overcome the toughest digital debug challenges.

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