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The Tektronix 067-0608-00 Calibration Fixture is designed to provide overdrive signals for measuring the overdrive recovery time of Tektronix plug-in amplifiers.
The fixture produces a + or - 11V overdrive signal with a 7ns falltime. It can be switched manually or driven by an external switch-drive source such as a Tektronix Type 106 Squarewave Generator. The BNC output of the fixture is designed to connect directly to the input of the amplifier under test.
Power for operating the device is supplied by the 7000-Series Oscilloscope used in the test, via the probe-power-out connector on the rear of the instrument. A seperate power source such as the Tektronix Type 1101 is required for operating the fixture with plug-in ampolifiers other that the 7000-Series.
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