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The Boonton 4500B is the instrument of choice for capturing, displaying, analyzing and characterizing RF power in both the time and statistical domains. Applications include pulsed RF such as RADAR, TDMA and GSM, pseudorandom or noise-like signals such as CDMA and WLAN and modulated time slotted signals such as GSM-EDGE and TD-SCDMA.
The Boonton 4500B features 100 psec timebase resolution, video bandwidth up to 65 MHz (sensor dependent), flexible triggering and greater than 70 dB dynamic range (sensor dependent) without any range switching to cover the most demanding peak power measurement applications. It also features continuous statistical analysis of power (optional) at acquisition rates up to 25 MSa/s, a text display of up to 15 automatic measurements per channel as well as envelope and persistence views to provide fast in-depth signal analysis. Convenient I/O including USB ports for storing data such as instrument setups, trace waveforms and bitmap image files.
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