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Analog Signal Viewing
Serial Decode
Gain superior insight into analog, digital, or serial design challenges. The Infiniium MS-Windows ®-based DSO8064A provides unmatched acquisition performance with up to 128 Mpts of deep memory mapped to a high-definition display, powered by MegaZoom technology.
Scope channels ensure superior viewing of signals under test. All models incorporate a powerful, feature-packed Infiniium oscilloscope with responsive deep memory.
Responsive deep memory
With standard 4 Mpts, and up to 128 Mpts of memory, you can capture long time periods while retaining fast sample rates. Fast update rates mean your scope stays responsive with deep memory on, ensuring precise representation of analog signals.
Advanced triggering
Advanced triggers are essential when you are investigating suspected problems. Infiniium offers a full range of advanced triggers to help you isolate and capture the condition you need to characterize.
Drag and drop measurements
It’s simple: drag an icon from the measurement bar and drop it on the cycle you want to measure. You can make up to five measurements on your waveforms, on up to five different cycles. All of the measurements appear at the bottom of the display with statistics and are color-coded to the channel you are measuring.
Serial, parallel and wideband signal decode
Whether you are working on serial, parallel or wideband signals, you can use the 8000 Series to decode your waveforms. When you are working on parallel waveforms, you can even customize the bus states to be displayed on the decode table.
Chart mode feature
Chart mode applies trend analysis techniques to see how the digital output (ADC, counter, address lines, etc.) vary over time. This method is effective to quickly find anomalies of the digital signals. You can also apply math operators such as “FFT” to view the frequency domain of the analog values.
Powerful frequency and modulation analysis
The 8000 Series provides superior frequency domain analysis, RF-signal demodulation and extensive standard-specific analysis coverage including WiMAX™, WLAN, 3GPP, RFID and UWB with the optional 89601A Series VSA software. With digital and wireless applications merging, you can use the 8000 Series one-box solution to validate the time and frequency domains.
Extensive application software suite
The 8000 Series provides wide application coverage for you to quickly and easily verify your designs. Application packages include jitter, DDR, USB, Ethernet, FlexRay, CAN, SPI, I2C, and FPGA.
Simple zooming
Zooming with Infiniium’s graphical user interface is simple and convenient. Just use the mouse to draw a box around the area of interest and click inside. Zoom uses the full display so you get meaningful vertical as well as horizontal resolution gains. Use multiple zoom boxes to see deep inside your signal. Zooming couldn’t be simpler or faster.
Dialog boxes for easy setup
With Infiniium, you don’t need to navigate through annoying softkey menus. Dialog boxes display all the choices you need for measurement setups, all in one place. Help is available for each field, guiding you through each step.
E-mail on trigger
Ininiium can automatically send an e-mail with a screen image of the display when the scope triggers. You can have your Ininiium send an e-mail to you or a message to your cell phone then control your scope from any Java™-enabled Web browser with Ininiium’s Web-enabled feature.
Web-enabled control
For distributed teams, simply set up Ininiium on your LAN, and up to three users can access it from any Java-enabled Web browser. No special software is required. You can easily grab screen shots for a report, or troubleshoot designs from a remote location.
AutoMask and mask test
Mask testing is simplified with AutoMask. Acquire a waveform, define tolerance limits, and create a test envelope. Mask testing provides a pass/fail comparison of an incoming signal to the test envelope. Easily test your design’s conformance to industry standards with the communication mask test kit option.
Advanced triggering
Advanced triggers are essential when you are investigating known problems. Infiniium offers a full range of advanced triggers to help you isolate and capture the condition you need to characterize. Advanced trigger setups are simplified by using intuitive dialog boxes with descriptive graphics.
Color-graded persistence with histograms
By providing seven levels of color grades for a visual representation of waveform distribution, color-graded persistence makes it easy to pick out signal anomalies and see how often they occur. Histograms quantify both noise and jitter in your target system.
High/low pass filter
This function applies a real-time digital filter to the source waveform that you choose. This filtering feature enhances your ability to examine important signal components by filtering out unwanted frequency components.
QuickMeasure and statistics
Instantly make five common measurements on your signal, with easy-to-read statistics, by pressing the QuickMeas+ button on the front of your Infiniium. The measurements displayed can be easily customized.
Model No
600 MHz
Record length
8 MPts
Sampling rate
4 GS/s
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