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EMCVUNL-SVPC Tektronix Software New

EMCVUNL-SVPC Tektronix Software New

Regular price $4,100
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Additional Features:

  • License; EMI Pre-compliance and Troubleshooting (not for RSA7100) (includes CISPR detectors); Node Locked
  • Standards: EN55011, EN55012, EN55013, EN55014, EN55015, EN55025, EN55032, EN60601, DEF STAN, FCC Part 15, FCC Part18, MILSTD 461G
  • Features: EMC-EMI display, Wizard to setup accessories and limit lines, Inspect, Harmonic Markers, Level Target, Compare Traces, Measure Ambient, Report generation, Re-measure Spot
  • Detectors: +Peak, Avg, Avg (of logs), Avg (VRMS), CISPR QuasiPeak, CISPR Peak, CISPR Average, CISPR Average of Logs, MIL +Peak, DEF STAN Avg, DEF STAN Peak
  • Limit lines: Up to 3 Limit Lines with corresponding margins
  • Resolution BW: Set per standard or user definable
  • Dwell time: Set per standard or user definable
  • Report format: PDF, HTML, MHT,RTF, XLSX, Image File format
  • Accessory type: Antenna, Near Field Probe, Cable, Amplifier, Limiter, Attenuator, Filter, Other
  • Correction format: Gain/Loss Constant, Gain/loss table, Antenna Factor
  • Traces: Save/recall up to 5 traces, Math trace (trace1 minus trace2), Ambient trace
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General characteristics

  • CON: Provides connection to the MDO4000B/C (some features such as CISPR detectors are disabled)
  • Update rate: < 0.2 /sec (802.11ac EVM, acq BW: 200 MHz, record length: 400 µs)
  • Programmatic interface: SCPI-compliant command set. Requires installation of Tektronix Virtual Instrument Software Architecture (VISA) drivers
  • System requirements
  • Operating systems: Windows 10 x 64, Windows 8 x 64, Windows 7 Service Pack 1 x 64
  • Disk space: 6 GB free on C: drive
  • RAM: 1 GB (4 GB recommended)
  • Operation with one of the USB real-time spectrum analyzers has additional requirements. See the related instrument data sheet for details.


  • Wideband radar and pulsed RF signals
  • Frequency agile communications
  • Broadband satellite and microwave backhaul links

SignalVu-PC is the foundation of RF and vector signal analysis software that helps you easily validate RF designs. It is based on the signal analysis engine of the RSA5000 Series real-time signal analyzers and runs on your computer or Windows tablet. You can now move your analysis of acquisitions off the instrument and anywhere. SignalVu-PC is also the companion software that runs the analysis for the Tektronix USB real-time spectrum analyzers. Whether your design validation needs include wideband radar, high data rate satellite links, wireless LAN or frequencyhopping communications, the SignalVu-PC comprehensive suite of tools and application software can speed your time-to-insight by showing you the time-variant behavior of these signals.

This option supports many predefined limit lines. It also adds a wizard for easy setup of recommended antennas, LISN, and other EMC accessories with a onebutton push. When using the new EMCEMI display, you can accelerate the test by applying the time consuming quasi peak only on failures. This display also provides a push-button ambient measurement. The Inspect tool lets you measure frequencies of interest locally, removing the need for scanning.

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