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The Keithley 3731 is a two-pole, 6 row by 16 column reed relay matrix card. By using high speed reed relays with actuation times of 0.5ms, this card meets the requirements of demanding throughput applications while offering users the additional benefit of long life, exceeding one billion operations. The card can connect up to six differential instrument channels to any combination of 16 DUTs (devices under test). Any row can be connected to the Series 3700 mainframe backplane by using the analog backplane connection relays. This allows for easy matrix column expansion. A matrix of up to 6 rows by 96 columns can be supported within a single 3706 mainframe (with six Model 3731 cards).
The Model 3731 uses two 50-pin male D-sub connectors for signal connections. For screw terminal connections, use the detachable Model 3731-ST accessory.
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