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ACSA Erem Tweezer New

ACSA Erem Tweezer New

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ACSA Erem Tweezer

Precision tweezers with serrated finger grips for secure handling. For precise bending and holding of components or wires.


  • Suitable for delicate standard applications and precision work on small components or wires
  • Special stainless steel, non-magnetic, non-rusting, acid-proof, heat-resistant
  • For applications in microelectronics, jewelrymaking, watchmaking, medicine and laboratory technology
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Technical Features:

  • Erem applications  Watchmaking industry
  • Length Inches  4.252
  • Erem applications  Laboratory technology
  • Weight in g  16
  • Weight in oz  0.56
  • Erem applications  Microelectronic
  • Length mm  108
  • Erem applications  Jewellery making
  • Material  Special stainless steel
  • Tweezer shape  Pointed straight tip
  • Erem applications  Medical technology

Erem Special Features:


Erem man­u­fac­tures a wide range of pre­ci­sion tweez­ers. The range cov­ers tweez­ers made from hard­ened steel, stain­less steel, non-mag­netic acid re­sis­tant stain­less steel, ti­ta­nium, brass, nickel sil­ver and nickel-plated tweez­ers. Tweezer tips can be ser­rated or smooth metal, or made from syn­thetic ESD safe ma­te­r­ial to pre­vent dam­age to frag­ile sur­faces.

In ad­di­tion to SMD and strip­ping tweez­ers, the range in­cludes spe­cial grip­ping tweez­ers, which en­able par­tic­u­larly fine wires or in­su­lated op­ti­cal fi­bres to be held and ma­nip­u­lated.

Erem can make to order tweez­ers for spe­cialised ap­pli­ca­tions. The com­bi­na­tion of pre­ci­sion-man­u­fac­tured, sym­met­ri­cal tips and per­fect bal­ance make Erem tweez­ers


  • The choice of which tweez­ers to use will de­pend as much on the ma­te­r­ial it is made from as the func­tion it car­ries out:

Hard­ened steel

  • Tweez­ers made from hard­ened steel are typ­i­fied by their par­tic­u­larly hard tips, which en­sure great dura­bil­ity. The tweez­ers are mag­netic and the ma­te­r­ial is not non-rust­ing.

Stain­less steel

  • Tweez­ers made from stain­less steel have ro­bust tips and are non-rust­ing. The ma­te­r­ial is less hard than hard­ened steel. Stain­less-steel tweez­ers have the iden­ti­fi­ca­tion let­ter „S“ in their order num­bers.

Erem spe­cial stain­less steel

  • This alloy is non-mag­netic. The tweez­ers are non-rust­ing, acid-proof and heatre­sis­tant up to 300°C (512°F). Tweez­ers made from spe­cial stain­less steel tweez­ers have the iden­ti­fi­ca­tion let­ter „SA“ in their order num­bers.


  • Titanium tweezers are light weight and resistant to high temperatures.


Erem has de­vel­oped a se­ries of tweez­ers with er­gonomic han­dles to re­duce the risk of Repet­i­tive Strain In­juries (RSI) to the hands.

The iden­ti­fi­ca­tion let­ter in the order num­ber is „E“.

Erem also of­fers two fur­ther in­no­v­a­tive tweez­ers with er­gonom­i­cally shaped han­dles:

E15AGW cut­ting tweez­ers with hard­ened cut­ting edges for in­creased ser­vice life

EOODSA pre­ci­sion tweez­ers with straight strong tips which are in­side-ser­rated for se­cure han­dling


  • Er­gonom­i­cally shaped han­dles re­duce Carpal Tun­nel Syn­drome (CTS) and early hand fa­tigue
  • Two-color, ther­mally in­su­lated soft-grip han­dles made from soft foam ma­te­r­ial en­sure high user com­fort
  • Man­u­fac­tured from non-mag­netic, acid-proof and stain­less steel alloy
  • ESD-safe

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