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-Examples Include, but are not Limited To:
Low Probe Loading:
AC Loading:
Interchangeable Tip-Clip™ Assemblies:
Tektronix has created a revolutionary Z-Active probe architecture that sets the industry benchmark for signal fidelity. Tektronix active probe architecture preserves high bandwidth while providing improved connectivity with low loading. The Z-Active architecture is a hybrid approach composed of a distributed attenuator topology feeding an active probe amplifier.
The Z-Active probes use a tiny passive probe tip element that is separate from the amplifier, extending the usable reach of the probe. In traditional active probes, adding this much length can introduce signal fidelity problems. However this architecture maintains high DC input resistance and presents a higher AC impedance than previous probe architectures. It accomplishes this while providing significant length between the probe body and the probe attachment point to the DUT. This architecture provides the best of both worlds: high DC impedance like existing active probes and the stable high-frequency loading of Zο probes.
Signal Fidelity:
You can be confident in the signal fidelity of your measurements because the Z-Active architecture provides:
Extended Linear Dynamic Range:
Many of today’s logic signals and serial bus signals require the capability to measure up to several volts peak to peak. These voltage levels may easily be viewed with the Z-Active architecture probes (P7380A, P7360A, and P7340A) with the extended linear dynamic range. With a 2.0 Vp-p linear dynamic input range at the 5x attenuation setting, you can accurately measure DDR II and III, Firewire 1394b, and PCI-Express I and II signals at reduced noise levels. In addition the 25x attenuation setting’s linear dynamic input voltage range can be used up to 5.0 Vp-p for accessing even larger signal swings found during transition times.
The Z-Active probe design allows the probe to easily switch between soldered, handheld, or fixtured applications. This family of probes uses Tip-Clip™ assemblies, an interchangeable probe tip system that enables customers to configure their probe with the optimal tip for their application. These detachable assemblies make it possible to replace a tip for a fraction of the cost formerly associated with such hardware changes. The several lengths and variable spacing of the assemblies provide flexibility for adapting to vias and other test points of differing sizes. With Tektronix Tip-Clip assemblies, Monday’s solder-in probe can become Tuesday’s handheld tool, simply by switching tips.
The combination of the Z-Active architecture and the Tip-Clip assemblies provide superior signal fidelity at a cost-effective price. The inexpensive Tip-Clip assemblies enable full-performance solder connections at a very low price per connection. Over the life of a probe this can add up to significant savings in the cost of operation.
Model No
12.5 GHz
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