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The Hittite Microwave Corporation HMC-C024 is a GaAs MMIC PHEMT Distributed Driver Amplifier in a miniature, hermetic module with replaceable SMA connectors. It operates between 10 MHz and 20 GHz.
The amplifier provides 15 dB of gain, 3 to 4 dB noise figure and +24 dBm of saturated output power. Deviation from linear phase of only ±2 degrees from 0.01 to 10 GHz make the Hittite Microwave Corporation HMC-C024 ideal for OC192 fiber optic LN/MZ modulator driver applications.
The wideband amplifier I/Os are internally matched to 50 Ohms and are internally DC blocked. Integrated voltage regulators allow for flexible biasing of both the negative and positive supply pins, while internal bias sequencing circuitry assures robust operation.
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