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The ROD-L Electronics M100DC HiPot tester performs safe and accurate DC HiPot and ground continuity testing in compliance with UL, VDE, BSI, IEC, CSA and other electrical equipment testing standards. These standards help limit your exposure to product liability claims and risk of producing electrically unsafe products. In addition, this tester even exceeds these standards requirements by shutting down the test and discharging the device-under-test (DUT) within two milliseconds after fault detection or test completion in order to further assure that no serious harm will come to the operator or the device-under-test if a mishap occurs due to high voltage.
This tester also comes with a special front-panel high voltage outlet (rated at 8 kV) that you can use to connect your devices-under-test to the tester without exposure to high voltage cabling clips. Clip leads and the safer ROD-L MP21 Test Probe may also be used for testing devices without power cords, such as motors, testing devices without power cords, such as motors, transformers and PC boards.
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Rod L Electronics