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9160A Tabor Preamplifier New

9160A Tabor Preamplifier New

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  • 34Vp-p single channel signal amplifier
  • 45MHz bandwidth
  • Fast transition time of <10ns
  • high output current to drive up to 1A
  • Compatible with any of the Tabor waveform generators
  • High amplitude to 34Vp-p into 50?
  • Low signal distortion
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The 9x60A-DST series is a bench-top, 2U, half 19” rack size, fully metal case that is either single or dual channel DC coupled wideband amplifier designed for high frequency, high current signal amplification. While target applications include piezo-electronics, transducer characterization, MEMS, general electronics and scientific applications, with a high bandwidth of 45MHz, 34Vp-p into 50 ohms and up to 10W output power and peak output current of 1A, the 9x60A-DST series is ideal complimentary amplifier to any signal source that needs a supporting power boost for demanding applications.

Instrument Configuration

The 9x60A-DST series can be configured to be used as two, single-ended independent channels or as a one input with two differential outputs. The 9x60A's standard configuration enables a maximum output voltage of 34Vp-p into 50 ohms with a gain of x10. Other custom gain, such as x15 can be ordered at the time of purchase, enabling clients even wider variety of choices to solve their application.

Output Characteristics

The outputs are located on the front panel. There are two outputs, one for each channel. When the 9x60A-DST series is configured as two separate amplifiers, the outputs generate amplified signals within the range of 34Vp-p into matching load impedance at approximately 45MHz bandwidth.

Input Characteristics

There are three inputs for each channel:

  1. Main input, which is located on the front panel and is normally used for signal input.
  2. Auxiliary input, which is located on the rear panel and can be used as a summing input.
  3. DC Offset input, which is located on the rear panel and can be used for offsetting signal level within the specified output level window.


The 9x60A-DST series has two additional inputs for each channel allowing summation of two signals and providing an external control of DC level offset. These inputs are accessible from the rear panel only.

Model No







45 MHz