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The Instek GDS-1102B digital storage oscilloscopes equipped with 100MHz bandwidth, 2 analog input channels that provides entry level users with diversified selections. The maximum real time sampling rate can be up to 1 GSa/s. The robust functional performance makes the economical oscilloscope more colorful and allows entry level users to sumptuously enjoy the fun and value brought by test and measurement which is precisely the emerging mission of the test and measurement industry that GW lnstek works relentlessly to achieve.
10M memory depth for each channel yields exquisite measurement results and allows each retrieved waveform to successfully reveal the details of signal. Engineers are often baffled by failing to retrieve signal details when measuring basic electric circuit signals. Now, GDS-1000B series oscilloscopes, with 10M memory depth for each channel, are capable to uncover all signal details.
7" 800 x 480 WVGA LCD display and the 256 color gradient display function together allow the GDS-1000B Series to distinctly display waveform details in gradients while measuring fast changing analog signals. Additionally, 50,000wfms/s waveform update rate helps engineers clearly understand the gradients of signal variations and easily identify the problem of transient signal variations.
1 Mpts FFT signal display makes the frequency domain display function more delicate. Engineers can clearly observe the distributed details of frequency domain signals. Smooth and rapid response can even better locate where the problems are originated. Powerful FFT function realizes high efficient spectrum analysis measurement which is indispensable for technology and education arenas.
The GDS-1000B Series oscilloscopes provide the zero key function for vertical voltage scale adjustment, horizontal time scale adjustment and trigger level adjustment. When processing complicate waveform adjustment and observation, engineers often require the zero key function to start a new measurement, adjust waveform or reset trigger level. The zero key function can reduce time in turning control knobs that is a great benefit for engineers.
Model No
100 MHz
Record length
10 MPts
Sampling rate
1 GS/s
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