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Fast edge characterization, jitter analysis, and other critical circuit analysis operations require high fidelity signal reproduction. The LeCroy 9384 Series products offer 1 GHz bandwidth for design, debug and testing of high speed circuits.
4 GS/s Digitizing
The 9384, with up to 250 ps real time sample resolution, captures the signal details you need to characterize critical performance parameters like jitter, edge transitions, and fast transient pulses.
Up to 8,000,000 Point Record Lengths
LeCroy’s SMARTMemory™ management system automatically optimizes both the sample rate and record length to provide the maximum signal detail over the longest possible time duration, with no mode switching or multiple menu selections. Combine the industry’s longest record lengths—up to 2,000,000 points/channel optional and 50k points/channel standard with SMARTMemory, and you get the LeCroy advantage.
LeCroy Digital Oscilloscopes are designed with signal analysis in mind. Processing flexibility, speed, and data protection are not an afterthought. All zoom, math, spectral and statistical analysis operations are calculated on a protected data record, assuring that your original data remains uncorrupted and can be used again and again for further analysis.
Waveform Processing
LeCroy’s waveform processing system provides the power to analyze complex signals, even in the presence of noise. Functions such as integration, differentiation, rescaling, square root, reciprocal, and logarithms can be chained together for multiple operations. For example, a power measurement can be made by first squaring the signal, then rescaling it, and finally integrating the result; with the calculations and display updated after each new acquisition. This result-oriented flexibility is only available from LeCroy.
Spectral Analysis
Waveform data can be viewed in the frequency domain to reveal hidden information about your signals. Problems related to noise, spurious signals, phase shifts, and unexpected power dissipation can be easily identified. And, with LeCroy scopes, FFTs and other analysis functions are performed on up to 6 Mpoint records, not just the first 10k points.
Statistical Analysis
High resolution jitter analysis, bi-modal frequency detection, and amplitude variations over long time constants are just a few of the signal characteristics that can be pin-pointed using statistical analysis. By histogramming any of the 40 parametric measurements and then applying the 18 statistical parameters, hidden information in waveform data is revealed.
Model No
Teledyne LeCroy
1 GHz
Record length
200 kPts
Sampling rate
4 GS/s
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