Note: All specifications apply to the unit after a temperature stabilization time of 30 minutes over an ambient temperature range of 23 °C ± 5 °C.
Performance Characteristics
- Bandwidth: 300 MHz
- Typical Rise Time: < 1.2 ns
- Sample Rate: 2 GSa/s (single channel), 1 MSa/s (dual channel)
- Input Channels: 2 Analog Channels
- Digital: 16 (-MSO models or with LA2560 upgrade)
- Memory Depth: 140 Mpts (single channel), 70 Mpts (dual channel)
- Waveform Update Rate: 140,000 wfms/s
- Hardware Bandwidth Limits: 20 MHz
- Input Coupling: DC, AC, GND
- Input Impedance: 1 MΩ ± 2% || (22 pF ±3 pF) 50 Ω ± 2%
- Ch to Ch Isolation: DC - Max BW > 35 dB
Acquisition System
- Peak Detect: > 1 ns
- Average: 4, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024
- Enhanced Resolution (Eres): 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3 bits selectable
- Interpolation: Sin(x)/x, Linear
Vertical System
- Vertical Resolution: 8 bits
- Vertical Sensitivity: 500 μV/div to 10 V/div (1-2-5 )
- Maximum Input Voltage: 1 MΩ: < 400 Vpk; 50 Ω: < 5 Vrms
- DC Gain Accuracy: ±3%: 5 mV/div to 10 V/div; ±4%: < 2 mV/div
Horizontal System
- Time Base Range: 2.0 ns/div to 50 s/div
- Time Base Accuracy: ±25 ppm
- Ch to Ch Deskew Range: <100 ps
Trigger System
- Modes: Auto, Normal, Single
- Coupling DC, AC, LF Reject, HF Reject, Noise Reject Ch1-Ch4
- Trigger Level: Internal: ±4.5 div from center; External: EXT: ±0.6 V; EXT/5: ±3 V
- Hold-Off Range: 100 ns to 1.5 s
- Types: Edge, Slope, Pulse, Video, Window, Interval, Dropout, Runt, Pattern
- Serial Trigger: I²C, SPI, UART/RS232, CAN, LIN
- Mode: Manual, Track
- Measurements: ΔT, 1/ΔT, X2, X1, ΔV, Y2, Y1
Waveform Math
- Math Operation: Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide, FFT, Derivative, Integral, Square Root
- FFT: Windows: Rectangle, Blackman, Hanning, Hamming, Flattop
Waveform Measurements
- Voltage: Vpp, Vmax, Vmin, Vamp, Vtop, Vbase, Mean, Cmean, Stdev, Cstd, Vrms, Crms, FOV, FPRE, ROV, RPRE, Level@Trigger
- Time: +SR, -SR, Period, Freq, +Width, -Width, Rise, Fall, BWidth, +Duty, -Duty, Time@Mid
- Delay: Phase, FRR, FRF, FFR, FFF, LRR, LRF, LFF, Skew
- Statistics: Current, Mean, Min, Max, Stdev, Count
- Gating: Time domain
I/O Interface
- Standard: USB Host, USB Device, LAN, Pass/Fail, Trigger Out
- Pass/Fail: 3.3 V TTL Output
Display System
- Display: 8” Color TFT-LCD, 800 x 480 Resolution
- Wave Display Mode: Vectors, Dots
- Persistence: Off, Infinite, 1 sec, 5 sec, 10 sec, 30 sec
- Intensity Grading: 256 Levels
- Language: English, French, Japanese, Korean, German, Russian, Italian, Portuguese, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese
Environmental and Safety
- Temperature: Operating: 10 °C to +40 °C
- Storage: -20 °C to +60 °C
- Humidity Operating: 85% RH, 40 °C, 24 hours
- Storage: 85% RH, 65 °C, 24 hours
- Altitude Operating: 3,000 m
- Storage: 15,266 m
- Power Requirements: 100 to 240 VAC, CAT II, 50 VA Max, 45 Hz to 440 Hz
- Dimensions: (W x H x D) 13.8” x 5” x 8.8” (352 x 128 x 224 mm)
- Weight: (4-ch) 7.9 lbs (3.6 kg); (2-ch) 7.5 lbs (3.4 kg)
- Included Accessories: Passive probes (one per channel), power cord, certificate of calibration, USB (Type A to B) communication cable
- Optional Accessories: 16-channel digital logic probe (LP2560)
Trigger System
Edge Trigger
- Slope: Rising, Falling, Rising & Falling
- Source: CH1 to CH4/EXT/(EXT/5)/AC Line
Slope Trigger
- Slope: Rising, Falling
- Limit Range: <, >, < >, > <
- Time Range: 2 ns to 4.2 s
- Resolution: 1 ns
Pulse Width Trigger
- Polarity: +wid, -wid
- Limit Range: <, >, < >, > <
- Pulse Width Range: 2 ns to 4.2 s
- Resolution: 1 ns
Video Trigger
- Signal Standard: NTSC, PAL, 720p/50, 720p/60, 1080p/50, 1080p/60, 1080i/50, 1080i/60, Custom
- Sync: Any, Select
- Trigger Condition: Line, Field
Window Trigger
- Window Type: Absolute, Relative
Interval Trigger
- Slope: Rising, Falling
- Limit Range: <, >, < >, > <
- Time Range: 2 ns to 4.2 s
- Resolution: 1 ns
Dropout Trigger
- Timeout: Type Edge, State
- Slope: Rising, Falling
- Time Range: 2 ns to 4.2 s
- Resolution: 1 ns
Runt Trigger
- Polarity: +wid, -wid
- Limit Range: <, >, < >, > <
- Time Range: 2 ns to 4.2 s
- Resolution: 1 ns
Pattern Trigger
- Pattern Setting: Invalid, Low, High
- Logic: AND, OR, NAND, NOR
- Limit Range: <, >, < >, > <
- Time Range: 2 ns to 4.2 s
- Resolution: 1 ns
Serial Trigger
I²C Trigger
- Condition: Start, Stop, Restart, No Ack, EEPROM, Address & Data, Data Length
- Source (SDA/SCL): CH1 to CH4
- Data format: Binary, Decimal, Hex, ASCII
- Limit Range: EEPROM: =, >, <
- Data Length: EEPROM: 1 byte; Address & Data: 1 to 2byte; Data Length: 1 to 12byte
SPI Trigger
- Condition: Data
- Source (CS/CLK/Data): CH1 to CH4
- Data format: Binary, Decimal, Hex, ASCII
- Data Length: 4 to 96 bit
- Bit Value: 0, 1, X
- Bit Order: LSB, MSB
UART/RS232 Trigger
- Condition: Start, Stop, Data, Parity Error
- Source (RX/TX): CH1 to CH4
- Data format: Binary, Decimal, Hex, ASCII
- Limit Range: =, >, <
- Data Length: 1 byte
- Data Width: 5 bit, 6 bit, 7 bit, 8 bit
- Parity Check: None, Odd, Even
- Stop Bit: 1 bit, 1.5 bit, 2 bit
- Idle Level: High, Low
- Baud Rate (Selectable): 600/1200/2400/4800/9600/19200/38400/57600/115200 bit/s
- Baud Rate (Custom): 300 bit/s to 334000 bit/s
CAN Trigger
- Type: All, Remote, ID, ID + Data, Error
- Source: CH1 to CH4
- ID: STD (11bit), EXT(29bit)
- Data format: Binary, Decimal, Hex, ASCII
- Data Length: 1 to 2 byte
- Baud Rate (Selectable): 5k/10k/20k/50k/100k/125k/250k/500k/800k/1M bit/s
- Baud Rate (Custom): 5 kbit/s to 1 Mbit/s
LIN Trigger
- Type: Break, Frame ID, ID+Data, Error
- Source: CH1 to CH4
- ID: 1 byte
- Data format: Binary, Decimal, Hex, ASCII
- Data Length: 1 to 2 byte
- Baud Rate (Selectable): 600/1200/2400/4800/9600/19200 bit/s
- Baud Rate (Custom): 300 bit/s to 20 kbit/s
Option Specifications
Function/Arbitrary Waveform Generator (FG2560)
- Waveforms: Sine, Square, Ramp, Pulse, DC, Noise, Cardiac, Gaus Pulse, Exp Rise
- Arbitrary: 4 Slots for Arbitrary Waveforms
- Maximum Output Frequency: 25 MHz
- Sample Rate: 125 MSa/s
- Frequency Resolution: 1 μHz
- Frequency Accuracy: ±50 ppm
- Vertical Resolution: 14 bits
- Amplitude Range: -1.5 to +1.5 V @ 50 Ω; -3 to +3 V @ 1 MΩ
- Output Impedance: 50 Ω ±2%
- Protection: Short-Circuit Protection
Sine Characteristics
- Frequency: 1 μHz to 25 MHz
- Offset Accuracy (100 kHz): ± (0.3 dB x Offset Setting Value + 1 mVpp)
- Amplitude flatness: ±0.3 dB (100 kHz, 5 Vpp)
- Spurious (non harmonics): DC to 1 MHz: -60 dBc; 1 MHz to 5 MHz: -55 dBc; 5 MHz to 25 MHz: -50 dBc
- Harmonic distortion: DC to 5 MHz: -50 dBc; 5 MHz to 25 MHz: -45 dBc
Square/Pulse Characteristics
- Frequency: 1 μHz to 10 MHz
- Duty Cycle: 20% to 80%
- Rise/Fall Time: < 24 ns (10% to 90%)
- Overshoot (1 kHz, 1 Vpp Typical): < 3%
- Pulse Width: > 50 ns
- Jitter: < 500 ps + 10 ppm
Ramp Characteristics
- Frequency: 1 μHz to 300 kHz
- Linearity (Typical): < 0.1% of Pk-Pk (Typical, 1 kHz, 1 Vpp, 100% Symmetry)
- Symmetry: 0% to 100% (Adjustable)
DC Characteristics
- Offset Range: ±1.5 V (50 Ω); ±3 V (High-Z)
- Accuracy: ± (|offset|*1%+3 mV)
Noise Characteristics
- Bandwidth: > 25 MHz (-3 dB)
Arbitrary Wave Characteristics
- Frequency: 1 μHz to 5 MHz
- Wave Length: 16 kpts
- Sample Rate: 125 MSa/s
Serial Decoder (DC2560)
- Threshold: -4.5 to 4.5 div
- Recorded List: 1 to 7 Lines
I²C Decoder
- Signal: SCL, SDA
- Address: 7 bit, 10 bit
SPI Decoder
- Signal: CLK, MISO, MOSI, CS
- Edge Select: Rising, Falling
- Idle Level: Low, High
- Bit Order: MSB, LSB
UART/RS232 Decoder
- Signal: RX, TX
- Data Width: 5, 6, 7, 8 bit
- Parity Check: None, Odd, Even
- Stop Bit: 1, 1.5, 2 bit
- Idle Level: Low, High
CAN Decoder
- Signal: CAN_H, CAN_L
- Source: CAN_H, CAN_L, CAN_H-CAN_L
LIN Decoder
- Supported Specification: Ver1.3, Ver2.0
MSO Digital Channels (LA2560/LP2560)
- Digital Channels: 16
- Sample Rate: 500 MSa/s
- Memory Depth: 14 Mpts/Ch
- Maximum Input Voltage: ± 20 Vpeak
- Threshold Accuracy: ± (3% of threshold setting + 150 mV)
- Input Dynamic Range: ± 10 V
- Minimum Input Voltage Swing: 800 mVpp
- Input Impedance: 100 kΩ || 18 pF
- Maximum Input Frequency: 60 MHz
- Minimum Detectable Pulse Width: 8.3 ns
- Ch to Ch Skew: ± (1 digital sample interval)
- User Defined Threshold Range: ± 3 V in 10 mV steps
- Threshold Selections: TTL, CMOS, LVCMOS3.3, LVCMOS2.5, Custom (-3 to +3 V)
Front Panel Features:
8-inch TFT-LCD display
8-inch high resolution TFT-LCD display lets you see more details in your signal.
Advanced triggering
Isolate the signal with advanced triggering including Edge, Slope, Pulse, Video, Window, Interval, DropOut, Runt, and Pattern trigger types.
Auto setup
Vertical, horizontal, and trigger controls are automatically adjusted for fast signal display.
Intuitive channel operation
All channels in the 2560 Series are clearly indicated by their own color, labeled on the input, knobs, and display
16-Channel Digital Ports
Connect a logic analyzer probe to access 16 digital channels enabled with MSO upgrade or try 30 times for free with each unit.
USB host port
Connect your USB flash drive to conveniently store and recall waveform data, setups, and screenshots.
Serial Decoding
Decode and analyze I²C, SPI, UART/RS232, CAN, and LIN protocols and display results in binary, decimal, hex, or ASCII in real-time. Enabled with decode upgrade or try 30 times for free with each unit.
Arbitrary Waveform Generator Output
The 25 MHz waveform generator is enabled with the generator upgrade or try 30 times for free with each unit.
The Tools You Need
Fast 140,000 wfms/s Waveform Capture Rate
The 140,000 wfms/s update rate in normal mode helps detect infrequent anomalies and glitches.
Record Length up to 140 Mpts
The hardware-based Zoom function used with the record lengths of 140 Mpts enables users to capture more of their signal and quickly zoom into the event of interest.
Waveform History and Recording
Quickly scroll through millions of points with History Mode’s playback functionality to find difficult to capture events. Eliminate unnecessary idle signals and dead-time by selectively capturing up to 80,000 segments.
Hardware Pass/Fail and Masking
The 2560 Series’ high speed hardware based pass/fail limit function can perform up to 140,000 pass/fail tests per second.
Enhanced Resolution Mode
Enhanced Resolution (Eres) mode minimizes signal noise to reveal hidden detail when the signal is difficult to trigger and averaging methods are confined.
PC Connectivity
PC software is provided (free download at www.bkprecision.com) for seamless integration between the oscilloscope and PC. Capture and transfer waveforms, screen images, setups and measurement results to a Windows PC via the USB device port on the back of the instrument. A USB host port on the front allows for quick and easy screen saving.
256-level intensity grading and color temperature display
Discover and visualize more details of your signal for better analysis of its behavior.
Included in all MSO models
MSO license - LA2560
The 16 integrated digital channels are displayed along-side analog channels allowing users to view up to 20 time-correlated channels with shared triggering and acquisition on one screen. The LA2560 license enables the 16 digital channels of the 2560 Series and is included with MSO models.
16 channel logic probe - LP2560
The 16-channel color-coded logic probe consists of two eight-channel pods. To make contact with the DUT, the probe connects directly to square pins or clips to test points using the included grabbers. With an input capacitance of only 18 pF and 100 kΩ input impedance, the probe protects the integrity of your signal. The probe is included with MSO models.
Decode license - DC2560
Select up to 2 serial bus protocols I2C, SPI, UART/RS232, CAN, and LIN and decode concurrently from analog and MSO channels. Decode information in real-time and display in binary, decimal, hex, or ASCII.
AWG license - FG2560
Take advantage of the generator’s 10 built-in waveforms or generate up to 4 of your own arbitrary waveforms via waveform editing software.
Buy now, upgrade later
Install the MSO and decode licenses at any time or try before you buy with the 30 trial license on each model. Any DSO model in the 2560 Series can be upgraded to an MSO. Installation is quick and easily done within the oscilloscope menu. To purchase a license key, please fill out the license request form or visit the 2560 Series accessories page.
Available Upgrades
- 16-channel digital logic probe (LP2560): Optional on DSO Models. Standard on MSO Models
- Logic analyzer license (LA2560): Optional on DSO Models. Standard on MSO Models
- Bus decode and analysis license (DC2560): Optional on DSO and MSO Models
- 25 MHz waveform generator license (FG2560): Optional on DSO and MSO Models
The 2568 Mixed Signal Oscilloscope delivers advanced features and debug capabilities for a wide range of applications. With up to 300 MHz bandwidth in a 2-channel configuration, each model offers a maximum sample rate of 2 GSa/s, and a maximum memory depth of 140 Mpts. In addition, these oscilloscopes provide an 8” color display with 256 levels of color grading combined with a high waveform update rate up to 140,000 wfms/sec, which allows the instruments to capture infrequent glitches with excellent signal fidelity. The logic analyzer and decode software provides 16 additional digital channels and serial bus decoding for I²C, SPI, UART/RS232, CAN, and LIN protocols.
Maximize productivity using extensive features such as digital filtering, waveform recording, pass/fail limit testing, and automatic measurements. The optional 25 MHz function/arbitrary waveform generator (AWG) provides stimulus output of 4 arbitrary waveforms, sine, square, ramp, pulse, DC, noise, cardiac, Gaussian pulse, and exponential rise/fall waveforms to the device under test.
The 2560 Series oscilloscopes are ideal for applications in design, education, service, and repair. This instrument offers a comprehensive set of tools to capture signal anomalies, decode serial bus protocols, and help speed up debug and analysis. The MSO, AWG, and decoding functionalities are available for upgrade in the field with the purchase of a license key.