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As the premier instrument in Yokogawa’s ScopeCorder family, the DL850E offers:
Most processing options
Highest channel count
Deepest memory
Flexible and Swappable Input Modules With Built-in Signal Conditioning
Choose from 20 types of input modules and install up to 8 in the DL850E ScopeCorder at a time to capture up to 128 channels. Input types include:
Eliminate Post Processing
Available real-time digital signal processors calculate math functions or electrical power parameters. Results are plotted on the screen in real-time and can be measured with cursors, captured with triggers, and saved to disk, making the DL850E a productive tool for motors and drives and other time-based power engineering.
Zoom into two billion samples in just the blink of an eye. A dedicated zoom processor can operate two zoom windows with zero delay.
The most feature-rich ScopeCorder, the DL850E combines a mixed signal oscilloscope and portable data acquisition recorder into a modular platform designed to capture both high-speed transients and low speed trends.
Combining signal conditioning, signal processing, and large recording memory, the DL850E is ready to be configured to meet your application demands. With its menu-driven user interface, advanced features are easily accessible, so you can gain insights and solve problems faster.
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