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LeCroy WaveSurfer 3034 350MHz, 4 CH Digital Oscilloscope
WaveSurfer 3000 oscilloscopes feature the MAUI advanced user interface with touch screen simplicity to shorten debug time. Quickly identify and isolate anomalies with WaveScan, Fast Display, and History mode for faster troubleshooting; LabNotebook enables easy documentation and convenient collaboration. The advanced probe interface, upgradable bandwidth, and multi-instrument capabilities provide maximum versatility and investment protection.
MAUI – A New Wave of Thinking
MAUI is the most advanced oscilloscope user interface. MAUI is designed for touch; all important oscilloscope controls are accessed through the intuitive touch screen. MAUI is made for simplicity; time-saving shortcuts and intuitive dialogs simplify setup. MAUI is built to solve; a deep set of debug and analysis tools help identify problems and find solutions quickly.
Multi-Instrument Capabilities
Beyond traditional oscilloscope functionality the WaveSurfer 3000 has a variety of multi-instrument capabilities including waveform generation with a built-in function generator, protocol analysis with serial data trigger and decode, and logic analysis with an available 16 channel mixed signal option.
Designed for touch
All important controls for vertical, horizontal and trigger are always one touch away. Touch the waveform to position and drag a box around it to zoom in for more details. Position cursors, configure measurements and interact with tables all through simple touch operation.
Built for simplicity
Basic waveform viewing and measurement tools, as well as advanced math and analysis capabilities, are seamlessly integrated into a single user interface. Time-saving shortcuts and intuitive dialogs simplify setup and shorten debug time.
Made to solve
Measure all aspects of a waveform to identify problems. Debug with a large set of time-saving tools to find the cause of problems. Solve problems fast with powerful analysis tools.
Advanced Anomaly Detection
Combining a fast waveform update rate of 130,000 waveforms/second with History mode waveform playback and WaveScan search and find, the WaveSurfer 3000 is an outstanding tool for waveform anomaly detection. A powerful set of triggering capabilities ensures that once a problem is detected it can be isolated and analyzed.
WaveScan Advanced Search
Locate unusual events in a single capture or scan for an anomaly across many acquisitions over a long period of time. WaveScan provides powerful isolation capabilities that hardware triggers cannot provide. Select from more than 20 search modes to find events on any analog or digital channel. Since the scanning modes are not simply copies of the hardware triggers, the utility and capability are much higher. There is no frequency trigger in any oscilloscope, yet WaveScan allows for the frequency to be quickly scanned notifying the user upon a shift in frequency. Searching can be done based on measured waveform parameters, runts and non-monotonic edges as well as digital patterns. Built on the traditional Teledyne LeCroy strength of fast data processing, WaveScan quickly and efficiently scans millions of events looking for unusual occurrences. Search and scan results can be seen with annotations directly on the waveform or in the interactive table. Quickly zoom to an event to see more details by simply touching it in the table.
Powerful Triggering
Good triggering is essential for effective debug and with a powerful combination of basic and advanced triggers, the WaveSurfer 3000 ensures that even the most challenging problems can be isolated. Basic triggering like edge and width are great for everyday operation. Advanced triggers like runt or interval help isolate anomalies quickly. Qualified triggering allows for configuring a trigger across multiple channels. With the MSO leadset connected, powerful logic triggering can be set up to catch a parallel pattern of up to 16 digital channels. Analog channels can be added to the pattern trigger to configure an analog-digital cross pattern, mixed-signal trigger. Beyond the standard oscilloscope triggering, unique serial data triggering capabilities for I 2C, SPI, UART, and RS-232 add protocol-specific triggering to isolate activity on a variety of serial busses.
Fast Waveform Update
A fast update rate ensures that no waveform variations or details are missed. With an update rate of up to 130,000 waveforms per second, the WaveSurfer 3000 is able to easily display random or infrequent events simplifying anomaly detection, identification and debug. Rapidly changing waveforms are easy to see and visually inspect. Changes over time can be seen with the intensity graded persistence display.
History Mode Waveform Playback
Scroll back in time using History Mode to view previous waveforms and isolate anomalies. Use cursors and measurement parameters to quickly find the source of problems. History mode is always available with a single button press, no need to enable this mode and never miss a waveform.
Capture, Debug, Analyze, Document
The advanced active probe interface gives tremendous flexibility for capturing all types of signals. Debug, analyze and document problems through the use of powerful math and measurement capabilities, sequence mode segmented memory and LabNotebook.
Advanced Waveform Capture with Sequence Mode
Use Sequence mode to save waveforms into segmented memory. This is ideal for capturing fast pulses in quick succession or when capturing events separated by long time intervals. Combine Sequence mode with advanced triggers to isolate rare events over time. Trigger times and time between segments are provided for additional insight.
Advanced Math Capabilities
A deep set of 20 math functions adds to the problem-solving capability of WaveSurfer 3000. Math functions provide quick insight into waveforms and help point to the cause of the most challenging problems. Functions like the powerful FFT provide details of the frequency domain while averaging effectively filters noise out of the signal.
Superior Measurement Tools
With 24 measurement parameters, the WaveSurfer 3000 can measure and analyze every aspect of analog and digital waveforms. Statistics and histicons go beyond traditional measurement tools providing insight into how a waveform changes over time. Measurement data can be trended to create a visual representation of changing measurements
Protocol Analysis with Serial Trigger and Decode
Debugging serial data busses can be confusing and time-consuming. Time-saving protocol analysis capabilities are provided by the serial trigger and decode tools.
Intuitive, Color-Coded Protocol Decode Overlay
Protocol decoding is shown directly on the waveform with an intuitive, color-coded overlay and presented in binary, hex or decimal. Decoding is fast even with a long memory and zooming in to the waveform shows precise byte by byte decoding.
Powerful Serial Data Triggers
The serial data trigger will quickly isolate events on a bus eliminating the need to set manual triggers hoping to catch the right information. Trigger conditions can be entered in binary or hexadecimal formats and conditional trigger capabilities allow for triggering on a range of different events.
Model No
Teledyne LeCroy
350 Hz
Record length
10 MPts
Sampling rate
2 GS/s
MSO software option and 16 Channel Digital probe leadset