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Advanced (Sequence) mode:
Key Features:
The Tektronix AFG31022 high-performance AFG with built-in arbitrary waveform generation, real-time waveform monitoring, and the largest touchscreen on the market. Providing advanced waveform generation and programming capabilities, waveform verification, and a modern touch-screen interface, the new AFG31022 is sure to delight and simplify the job of every researcher and engineer.
Basic and Advanced Modes
The AFG31000 series is the industry’s first arbitrary function generator with full function Basic (AFG) and Advanced (Sequence) modes.
In Basic mode, the AFG31000 generates traditional functions and arbitrary waveforms. The touchscreen and front-panel controls make it simple to set up.
Basic mode lets you change frequency without the need to worry about waveform length and sample rate. This feature is useful in analog designs that characterize filter/amplifier frequency responses or in digital designs where clock rates change frequently.
New with the AFG31000, Advanced mode provides the ability to generate multiple waveforms with complex timing. In this mode, you can compose a list (or a sequence) of 1 to 256 waveforms, with total waveform length up to 16 Mpts/ch (128 Mpts/ch optional) and define the ouput sequence of these waveforms. Repeat, go-to, wait, jump, and triggered events are all supported and the large memory provides space to store many waveforms or long waveforms.
This feature is very useful in applications where many test cases need to be performed sequentially. Instead of loading the test cases one by one, you can put all of them in a sequence and load at one time, switching from one to another seamlessly to greatly improve the test efficiency.
Additionally, Advanced mode uses variable sample rate technology. Every sample in a waveform is output once and only once in each cycle, synchronized to the sample rate. Since there is no skipping or repetition, all details in the waveforms are kept. This feature is very useful for applications in which signal fidelity is extremely critical, such as IQ modulation and pulse train generation.
Model No
25 MHz
TekBench is instrument control software for AFG31000 Series
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