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RTO2044 Rohde and Schwarz NEW

RTO2044 Rohde and Schwarz NEW

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  • Bandwidth 4GHz
  • 4 Channels
  • 20 Gsample/s sample rate
  • 2 Gsample maximum memory depth
  • Up to 16-bit vertical resolution
  • Optional MSO 16 digital channels with RTO-B1 option
  • Precise measurements due to very low noise level
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R&S RTO oscilloscopes combine excellent signal fidelity, up to 16-bit vertical resolution, and high acquisition rate in a compact device format in the 600 MHz to 6 GHz class. They offer a fully integrated multi-domain test solution with frequency, protocol, and logic analysis functions. The brilliant touchscreen makes the oscilloscopes very comfortable to use.

R&S RTO oscilloscopes are optimized to perform precise measurements at a high input sensitivity and very low inherent noise. The unique high-definition mode enables up to 16-bit resolution. With an acquisition rate of up to one million waveforms per second, the R&S®RTO oscilloscopes detect sporadic signal faults lightning fast.

R&S RTO oscilloscopes are engineered for multi-domain challenges and facilitate debugging of systems with different signal types. The oscilloscopes enable simultaneous time, frequency, logic, and protocol analysis and display the results referenced over time. For the first time, a special tool is available for these applications: a zone trigger that can be used in both the time domain and in the frequency domain.

R&S RTO oscilloscopes are extremely easy to use. Gesture operation simplifies measurement tasks. You can even customize the waveform display thanks to R&S SmartGrid technology. The app cockpit provides fast access to all available applications.

Precise measurements due to very low noise level

Minimizing noise was a key goal when designing the R&S RTO. All aspects were considered, from balanced BNC-compatible inputs with 18 GHz bandwidth to extremely low-inherent-noise frontends to high-precision A/D converters. The result: precise measurements even at the smallest vertical resolutions.

Up to 16-bit vertical resolution

The low-noise frontend and 10 GHz single-core A/D converter are the foundation for the extraordinarily high measurement accuracy and dynamic range of the R&S®RTO oscilloscopes. The high definition mode (HD mode) activates a configurable hardware lowpass filter, increasing the vertical resolution to up to 16 bit and 9.4 ENOB. Since filtering reduces quantizing noise, signal details become visible.

Trigger on any signal detail you can see

The unique digital trigger system from Rohde & Schwarz uses the sampling points of the A/D converter in the acquisition path so that the trigger system's input data is identical to the displayed signal. The trigger system runs in HD mode with up to 16-bit vertical resolution. This results in a very high trigger sensitivity. You can reliably isolate even the smallest signal details.

Model No





Rohde & Schwarz




4 GHz

Sampling rate

20 GS/s