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ZVA40 Rohde & Schwarz Network Analyzer Used

ZVA40 Rohde & Schwarz Network Analyzer Used

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Additional Features:

  • Frequency range: 10 MHz to 40 GHz
  • Number of test points per trace: 1 to 60001
  • Measurement bandwidths: 1 Hz to 1 MHz (with option: up to 30 MHz)
  • Max. number of internal sources: 4
  • Operating system: Windows XP Embedded
  • Dynamic range at 10 Hz measurement bandwidth: Between test ports: typ. 140 dB; With direct receiver access: typ. >150 dB
  • Power range (typ): –40 dBm to +18 dBm
  • With optional step attenuators: Generator step attenuators extend the lower limit of the output power range by 70 dB
  • Measurement time per test point: <3.5 μs (at 1 MHz measurement bandwidth)
  • Linear and nonlinear amplifier and mixer measurements
  • Noise figure measurements
  • Pulse profile measurements with 12.5 ns resolution
  • True differential measurements for reliable characterization of active devices with balanced ports
  • Wide IF bandwidth: 1/5/30 MHz
  • Versatile calibration techniques: TOSM, TRL/LRL, TOM, TRM, TNA, UOSM
  • Automatic calibration units
  • Phase and group delay measurements on mixers with and without LO access
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Data transfer time (for 201 measurements points):

  • via IEC/IEEE bus: <2.9 ms
  • via VX11 over 100 Mbit/s LAN: <1.3 ms
  • via RSIB over 100 Mbit/s LAN: <0.7 ms
  • Switching time between channels: <1 ms (with no more than 2001 points)
  • Switching time between instrument setups: <10 ms (with no more than 2001 points)

The R&S®ZVA contains one source per each pair of ports. In addition four source models are available for R&S®ZVA24 and R&S®ZVA40. TheR&S®ZVA67 has one source per port. A special switch arrangement allows parallel signal output, i. e. signals can be output to the DUT via all ports at the same time. In addition, direct generator and receiver access is provided optionally. This concept offers many advantages with regard to measurement speed and functionality.

The above design features make the R&S®ZVA an analyzer of unprecedented performance and functionality, which is especially true for the four-port model. Following are a few highlights:

  • Use of the second source as an LO for fast mixer measurements
  • Generation of a swept two-tone signal for fast intermodulation measurements versus frequency or power
  • True differential measurements on balanced DUTs
  • Parallel signal output and measurement at the test ports for measuring two or more DUTs simultaneously.
  • Direct generator / receiver access (option) enabling the following, for example:
  • Loop-in of preamplifiers into generator paths
  • Loop-in of attenuators into the receiver paths
  • Connection of external test setups, e.g. power amplifiers, or use of analyzer as a multichannel receiver, e.g. for antenna measurements

Test set design for enhanced performance and flexibility

The test set includes a number of special design features. There is one measurement channel and one reference channel for each test port, an RF switch in each generator path and a generator for each pair of test ports. The R&S®ZVA24/40 four-source models and the R&S®ZVA67 four-port model even have a generator for each test port.

This makes the R&S®ZVA an analyzer of unprecedented performance and functionality, which is especially true for the four-port model:

  • True differential measurements on balanced DUTs
  • Two or four independent sources, e.g. for LO and RF signals for fast mixer or intermodulation measurements
  • Parallel signal output and measurement at the test ports for measuring two or more DUTs simultaneously
  • Direct generator/receiver access option to connect external test setups, e.g. power amplifi ers, or use as a multichannel receiver, e.g. for antenna measurements
  • Generation of up to four coherent signals for A&D applications such as measurement of antenna arrays
  • Extendable to active harmonic load pull solutions (foursource models)

Wide dynamic range for fast and accurate measurements

The R&S®ZVA sets new standards in measurement speed. Its large IF bandwidths and fast synthesizers combine to yield short measurement times and high throughput in manual adjustments and automated production sequences. The measurement time per test point is less than 3.5 µs in the CW mode; a frequency sweep over 200 test points takes less than 5 ms. Due to the analyzer‘s wide dynamic range and low phase noise, this speed advantage does not compromise measurement accuracy.

Fast switching between instrument setups

When analyzing two or more DUTs, the required instrument setups no longer have to be loaded from the hard disk one after the other. Once called, setups remain available in RAM, including calculated data, e.g. calibration values obtained by interpolation. Switching between setups can be done virtually without delay, i.e. in less than 10 ms by remote control. With conventional instruments, recalling setups can take up to one second. Each setup is represented by a separate measurement window. This design feature also makes it easier to handle large volumes of measured data. If a display area becomes too “crowded“, data can easily be distributed to other windows (setups). You can easily switch between windows by using the mouse or pressing a key.

Segmented sweep for optimized speed, accuracy and dynamic range 

The segmented sweep function allows you to divide a sweep into a virtually unlimited number of segments. Sweep parameters such as test point spacing, measurement bandwidth and generator power can be defined separately for each segment and accurately matched to the DUT characteristic. Measurement speed and accuracy can thus be further optimized.

Parallel measurements – up to four times faster

In addition to the standard operating mode, the concept of the R&S®ZVA allows test ports to be organized in groups, e.g. in two groups of two ports each or in four groups of one port each. Measurements are carried out on the various groups simultaneously, provided the test parameters are identical for each group. This means that measuring two or more DUTs in the parallel mode takes no more time than measuring a single DUT in the standard mode. Compared to sequential measurements, measurement speed will therefore double when measuring two two-port DUTs in parallel and quadruple when measuring four one-port DUTs in parallel.

Data transfer simultaneously with sweep

Since trace data is transferred via the IEC/IEEE bus or LAN at the same time measured data is being captured, data transfer time on the R&S®ZVA is insignificant.

Channel bits and user port – high-speed control of external devices

To speed up automatic test cycles even further, a special port for trigger I/O signals and status indication is provided on the rear panel. These signals directly synchronize external devices of a test setup or the settings of a DUT with the internal measurement sequences of the R&S®ZVA. No remote control sequences are required, which saves execution time. The pins of the USER CONTROL port also provide information on the net time required for measuring one point, one sweep or carrying out a partial measurement. This makes it easy to determine net measurement times and optimize synchronization.

Ergonomic user interface

State-of-the-art DUTs feature a steadily increasing number of complex functions and ports, which also places higher demands on the instrument‘s display capabilities. The R&S®ZVA provides highly versatile functions for displaying results in a straightforward manner. Virtually unlimited number of channels and traces Over 100 traces can be combined in any manner within the individual diagrams and assigned to over 100 different channels. DUTs can thus be measured using a wide variety of stimulus conditions, and all parameters of interest can be displayed on the screen. The names of traces, channels and markers can be edited and replaced by userspecific names to make them easier to identify.

Easy export and import of results

The use of the Windows XP Embedded operating system, in conjunction with a variety of interfaces, makes it easy to integrate measurement results into documentation by saving screen contents as *.bmp, *.png, *.jpg or *.emf files and exporting these files to a text processing system. Trace data can be stored as *.snp, *.csv or *.dat files and subsequently analyzed and processed using other tools. In addition, externally created files such as *.snp and *.csv files can be imported into the R&S®ZVA as stored trace data.

Convenient equation editor for complex trace mathematics

The R&S®ZVA includes a universal equation editor with extensive functions for trace mathematics. These functions can be used to link any active traces and stored traces in a variety of ways in realtime. This makes external analysis programs unnecessary. Generated equations can be stored, processed with external tools and reloaded as required.

Measurement wizard – step by step to the test setup you want

Measuring multiports and balanced DUTs with a network analyzer usually requires major configuration effort on the part of the user, for example for configuring the port topology, selecting the parameters to be displayed, setting the sweep mode or choosing the appropriate calibration technique. With the R&S®ZVA, a measurement wizard guides you step by step through the test setup to create the configuration you want. It queries all necessary inputs and offers default settings for the measurement task at hand. Using the wizard, you can e.g. configure the R&S®ZVA to display all 16 mixed-mode S-parameters of a balanced two-port in virtually no time.

Embedding/deembedding – impedance matching using virtual networks

Coaxial and balanced components such as SAW filters, which are used in frontends of mobile phones, for example, must be specified together with the networks that match them to the impedance of the surrounding circuit. In addition, parasitic effects, which occur when the DUT is installed in its operational environment, can be simulated. Using special algorithms, the R&S®ZVA embeds the DUT in virtual matching networks and also deembeds it to eliminate parasitic effects such as those caused by strip lines. The R&S®ZVA offers various types of transformation networks. The values of the network elements can be edited. If you modify values of individual elements, the R&S®ZVA immediately recalculates the network and (de)embeds the DUT in the new network in quasi-realtime. Alternatively, you can read *.s2p and *.s4p files generated with EDA tools into the R&S®ZVA and use the data for embedding/deembedding.

Model No





Rohde & Schwarz


40 GHz