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6050C Power Designs DC Power Supply Used

6050C Power Designs DC Power Supply Used

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Additional Features:

  • Input: 105-125 Volts, 57-440 Hz, 100 Watts nominal
  • Output 0-60 Volts DC, continuously adjustable with the following minimum output:
  • 0-7V, 0-5A,
  • 0-15V, 0-3A
  • 0-25V, 0-2A
  • 0-50V, 0-1A
  • 0-60V, 0-0.5A
  • Line regulation: 0.01% + 1 millivolt for line variations from 105-125 volts
  • Load regulation: 0.01% + 1 millivolt for load variations from 0-100% of rated output current, measured at rear terminals or at the junction of load and sense leads
  • Without remote sensing, regulation at front panel terminals is 0.01% + 1.5 millivolt per ampere of output current (due to binding post voltage drops)
  • Polarity: Either positive or negative output terminal may be operated at ground potential
  • Ripple and Noise: Less than 1 millivolt peak-to-peak over 0-1 MHz band with an input line frequency of 60 Hz
  • Source impedance: Less than 0.005 phm at DC 0.1 Ω to 20 KHz, 1.0 Ω to 1 MHz
  • Recovery time: Less than 50 microseconds to return to within a 15 millivolt band of the original voltage for a step change in rated load of 10% to 100%
  • Stability: Less than 0.02% to +3 millivolts per 24 hours after warm-up at constant line, load and ambient temperature
  • Operating Temperature: 0-50°C at full load; Storage: -20°C to +85°C
  • Temperature Coefficient: Less than 0.02% per degree C
  • Current Limiting: Concentric switch/potentiometer provides continuous adjustment of output current in two ranges: 0-500 mA, 0-5 A
  • Metering: Front panel "edgewise" meter and a selector switch permits monitoring output voltage or current with an accuracy of 2% of full scale
  • Current range changes automatically with current limiter range switch
  • Output Terminals: Front panel: Three insulated, 5-way binding post for positive, negative and ground; Rear panel: Seven screw terminals on a molded barrier block for positive and negative output, chassis ground, remote voltage programming and remote sensing
  • Remote programming: Rear panel terminals are provided for external resistance programming of the output voltage
  • Concentric coarse and fine voltage controls with a resolution of 3 millivolts
  • Dual range 0.5/5.0 ampere current limiter. Meter range shifts automatically
  • Remote voltage programming at 500 ohms/volt
  • Remote sensing of output voltage
  • Front and rear access output terminals
  • Parameter specifications based on anticipated performance after five years of service
  • Semiconductors processed under a "predictable reliability" program to insure long life expectancy. This program includes source coding of all devices, 100% incoming inspection and measurement of parameters beyond operating regions to expose channeling phenomena, surface contamination, safe operating areas, etc.
  • Zener voltage references and input stage transistors are preaged and life expectancy extrapolated through l/F noise change techniques during burn-in
  • Each power supply operated under maximum stress conditions for a minimum of fifty hours prior to final inspection
  • Manufacturing procedures and processes are equal to or exceed those of MIL-Q-9858
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The Power Designs 6050C is a regulated DC power source that functionally replaces five conventional power supplies. It utilizes a new regulator technique which provides additional features not available in standard instruments.

Outputvoltage and current ranges cover a broad spectrum of laboratory requirements for both digital and analog applications. Ranging is transient-free and automatic with changes in load and the setting of voltage and current controls. Operation is completely electronic, without relays or manual switching.

The RFI-free regulator system employs linear circuits only. No SCR's, switching transistors or high frequency techniques are utilized. 

Power output capability of the supply increases with increasing AC line voltage. Up to twice rated output is available at line voltages over 105 volts. Useful regulated output at reduced levels is available down to a line voltage of 85 volts.

A flashing panel indicator signals loss of regulation when load demands are in excess of control settings or the AC line voltage is too low to support increased output levels.

The supply may be operated continuously into an overload or short circuit without damage. Regulator efficiency is superior to conventional, wide voltage range, dissipative type systems.

Portable and light, the Model 6050 is designed for laboratory bench or rack use. A bail/carrying handle assembly permits tilting of the front panel for viewing ease.

Model No





Power Designs


5 A


60 V


60 W