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The Kikusui PWC 0620 is a multiple-output regulated DC Power Supply which provides three supply powers of 6 V, 3 A, and ±20 V, 1 A. This instrument employs ICs and silicon semiconductors throughout, realizing high reliability and excellent electrical performances.
The ±20 V, 1 A supply powers employ such system that the negative power follows the positive power. The voltage of the negative supply power is adjustable for a range of 50-100% of the set voltage of the positive supply power. The 6 V, 3 A power has an overvoltage protecting circuit to ensure a high operation safety.
Each power supply circuit is incorporated with a constant current type overload protection circuit and the protecting point (crossover point) can be set independently for each power supply circuit. When the crossover point is exceeded, and LED lamp turns on to indicated that the current has exceeded the limiting value.
A 10-turn potentiometer is used for output voltage setting of each of the 0-6 V and 0-±20 V supply powers.
The PWC 0620 dimensions allow for 1/2-rack mounting and two units can be installed on a 19-inch or 500-mm standard rack.
Model No
3 A
6 V
20 W