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The Keithley SourceMeter 2440 is designed specifically for test applications that demand tightly coupled sourcing and measurement. It provides precision voltage and current sourcing as well as measurement capabilities. Each SourceMeter instrument is both a highly stable DC power source and a true instrument-grade 5 1/2-digit multimeter. The power source characteristics include low noise, precision, and readback.
Advantages of a Tightly Integrated Instrument
By linking source and measurement circuitry in a single unit, these instruments offer a variety of advantages over systems configured with separate source and measurement instruments. For example, they minimize the time required for test station development, setup, and maintenance, while lowering the overall cost of system ownership. They simplify the test process itself by eliminating many of the complex synchronization and connection issues associated with using multiple instruments. And, their compact half-rack size conserves precious âreal estateâ in the test rack or bench.
Power of Five Instruments in One (IV Source, IVR Measure)
The tightly coupled nature of a SourceMeter instrument provides many advantages over separate instruments. For example, it provides faster test times by reducing GPIB traffic and simplifies the remote programming interface. It also protects the device under test from damage due to accidental overloads, thermal runaway, etc. Both the current and voltage source are programmable with readback to help maximize device measurement integrity. If the readback reaches a programmed compliance limit, then the source is clamped at the limit, providing fault protection.
I-V Characteristics
All SourceMeter instruments provide four-quadrant operation. In the first and third quadrants they operate as a source, delivering power to a load. In the second and fourth quadrants they operate as a sink, dissipating power internally. Voltage, current, and resistance can be measured during source or sink operation.
Model No
40 V
50 W
5 A