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Standard Accessories:
The XL421 it’s a meter of a new Data Logger family, which also included XL422, XL423 and XL424 models, that performing measure and recording of TRMS AC current up to 2500A in a generic single phase system. Its can be very useful for various applications (i.e evaluation of load consumption, verification of nominal power of transformer, etc...). Instrument is contained in a safety and practice case with a built-in flexible clamp which permits to clamp-on wide dimensions cable or bar.
Thanks to a sophisticated memory algorithm the instruments are able to record for a very long time up to about 1 year. Use is very simply thanks presence of short indication on the case instrument also. With TOPVIEW2004 Windows software, supplied with the model, its possible to downloading and analyzing all recorded data directly on PC. The high protection degree (IP65) makes the instrument reliable and suitable also under extreme condition of use.
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HT Instruments
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