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Voltage Dips and short Interruptions are caused by faults in the network or sudden large load changes. Voltage variations are caused by continuously varying loads connected to the network.
PLINE 1610 contains all the features expected from a top quality generator in a compact solution.
PLINE 1610 has two integrated motorized variable transformers (variacs). One transformer is used to adjust the nominal voltage, for example 230V or 120V, independently from the actual mains voltage. This is essential to ensure reproducible test results. This variac is also used for performing the voltage variations.
A second variac provides the Dips voltage level, for example 40% or 80% of the nominal voltage. In opposition to most other products, no additional external transformers, variacs, power sources, wiring etc. are required. Therefore, this totally integrated solution is easy to use and guarantees full compliance to the IEC/EN 61000-4-11 standard.
All test parameters of the PLINE 1610 can be selected in a surpassing wide range, exceeding the basic standard requirements. This also ensures that special test requirements can be fulfilled without any problems.
Up to 18 tests can be stored in the unit, and these tests can be linked in any sequence to program. Up to 18 programs can be defined and stored. Along with the transition function for all basic parameters, extremely complex test routines can also be defined and executed very comfortably.
Using the integrated BNC-monitor outputs, actual voltage and current can be displayed on a CRO without any additional equipment required.
PLINE 1610 contains a triple protection against overloads and therefore it is strengthened against overcurrents or short circuits that may be caused by the EUT during testing.
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