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The DSX CableAnalyzer Series copper cable certifiers enables testing and certification of twisted pair cabling for up to 40 Gigabit Ethernet deployments and will handle any cabling system whether it is a Cat 5e, 6, 6A, 8 or Class FA and I/II. Certifying a cable is one part of a process that starts with system design and ends with system acceptance. The faster that process goes, the more profitable you’ll be. Unfortunately, there are a lot of things that slow the process down – setting up the tester incorrectly, testing to the wrong limits, waiting for skilled technicians to analyze and troubleshoot failures, misinterpretation of results, and producing test reports that customers cannot understand.
As part of the Versiv cabling certification product family, the DSX CableAnalyzer Series copper cable certifiers provides accurate, error-free certification. In the installation business there are multiple teams, varying media types and multiple testing requirements. The difference between being profitable or not is just a few percentage points. The DSX certifies copper cabling, complies with all standards including Level VI/2G accuracy, making jobs easier to manage, and getting to system acceptance faster. It’s not just for the expert technicians and Project Managers. Individuals of various skill levels can improve the set-up, operation, test reporting, and simultaneously manage diverse projects.
ProjX™ Management System Manages Complex Jobs with Ease
Managing the testing of multiple jobs with multiple teams, testers, and requirements is time consuming and a source of errors.
Increasingly larger jobs make project organization more important than ever. The new ProjX management system on the DSX CableAnalyzer Series copper cable certifiers provides individual project files for all job specific details to be saved under a simple name, eliminating the need to re-enter job specific details after starting a project. This minimizes set-up errors or lost files when switching from one job to another or utilizing multiple testers on a single job. In addition, it provides test results by cable ID, merges any changes without duplicates and defaults to the last copper or fiber module installed. ProjX management system provides real time status to completion on each job with a 0-100% scale and gives the operator the option to isolate any test requiring a second look and helps to assure nothing is overlooked. The "Fix Later" selection creates a punch list or automatic to do list for correcting any workmanship issues. ProjX enables project managers and crew leaders to be truly efficient.
Performs with Unsurpassed Speed
No tester offers so much speed for so many tests. Complete copper certification to Cat 6A in 8 seconds or certify two fibers at two wavelengths in just 3 seconds. Endorsements by cabling vendors worldwide assure that Versiv is the fastest way to project completion and system acceptance. Quickly get a Pass or Fail result and easily review individual test parameters by value or drill into specific area on a graph.
MPTL Certification
There may be scenarios where a typical four-connector channel is not used when connecting these types of devices– especially those that reside in the ceiling space where it is impractical to install a faceplate. Instead, there is just one patch cord in the telecommunications room and the permanent link is terminated at the other end with a plug so it can plug directly into the device, essentially eliminating the equipment cord. This creates what is now known as a Modular Plug Terminated Link, or MPTL.
The DSX CableAnalyzer™ is capable of certifying MPTL by using a patch cord adapter on one end and a permanent link on the opposite end
DSX CableAnalyzer Series Specifications
Cable Types
Standard Link Interface Adapters
Test Standards
General Specifications
Support test parameters (The selected test standard determines the test parameters and the frequency range of the tests): Wire Map, Length, Propagation Delay, Delay Skew, DC Loop Resistance, Insertion Loss (Attenuation), Return Loss (RL), NEXT, Attenuation-tocrosstalk Ratio (ACR-N), ACR-F (ELFEXT), Power Sum ACR-F (ELFEXT), Power Sum NEXT, Power Sum ACR-N, Power Sum Alien Near End Xtalk (PS ANEXT), Power Sum Alien Attenuation Xtalk Ratio Far End (PS AACR-F)
Input protection:
Main unit and remote
Typical battery life
Charge time*
Languages supported
Integrated Wi-Fi
Fluke Networks CertiFiber Pro Optical Loss Test Set Specifications
Power Meter Specifications
Input Connector
Detector Type
Power Measurement Range
Re-calibration Period: 1 year
1. +/- 100 pW at 850 nm
2. Under the following conditions: Power level 100 μW (-10 dBm), continuous wave (CW) for absolute power at 850 nm and 1310 nm. Divergent beam, NA = 0.20 for 50/125 μm and NA = 0.14 for 9/125 μm. Ambient temperature 23° ± 1°C. SC/UPC connector with ceramic ferrule. After a 5 minute warm-up. Traceable to NIST.
3. -3 dBm to -55 dBm at 850 nm and 1310 nm. Ambient temperature 23° ± 1°C. After a 5 minute warm-up.
Loss/Length Specifications
Testing Speeds (excludes referencing times)
Smart Remote mode
Input/Output Connectors
Fiber Types Tested
Source Type and Wavelengths
Maximum Length Measurement
Length Measurement Accuracy
Output Power (Nominal)
Output Power Stability3
1. At the output of the EF-TRC
2. Variations between EF measurement equipment may occur but EF compliance can be expected with a 95% confidence factor
3. Relative to power level after 15 minute warm up – at constant temperature
Loss/Length Specifications (continued)
Re-calibration Period: 1 year
1. +/- 100 pW at 850 nm
2. Under the following conditions: Power level 100 μW (-10 dBm), continuous wave (CW) for absolute power at 850
Selected Specifications
Visual Fault Locator (VFL)
Title: Requirement
Output Power: >-5 dBm <0 dBm SMF-28 singlemode fiber
Continuous wave
Output Modes
Connector Adapter
Laser Safety
Environmental Specifications
Title: Requirement
Operating Relative Humidity
Ships With:
Model No
Fluke Networks
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