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The Model 1121 Audio Analyzer is an enhanced version of our Model 1120. The 1121 incorporates: selectable output imped- ances of 50, 150 and 600 ohms, 16 volt rms output, additional 0.3 millivolt full scale measurement range, and quasi-peak detection. It can be used as a direct replacement in an 1120 ap- plication. The 1121 instrument automatically tunes and auto- ranges for maximum accuracy and resolution. Distortion, fre- quency response, AC and DC voltage measurements are a single keystroke away. The instrument is ideally suited for stimulus response applications because of an on-board low-distortion audio source. Internal control of the source and analyzer allows for swept measurements.
For the accurate measurement of complex waveforms and noise, the audio analyzer uses true RMS average or quasi-peak detection. Accurate distortion measurements can be made to -90 dB (0.003%) between 20 Hz and 20 kHz. Over the same frequency range, flatness measurements are possible to 0.05 dB (0.5%). The audio analyzer precision reciprocal counter gives fast and accurate characterization of audio frequencies.
The Model 1121 audio analyzer provides fast, accurate measurements including frequency, AC or DC level, distortion, SINAD and signal-to-noise ratio. It also includes an audio source providing accurate low distortion signals over wide frequencies and level ranges.
Model No
200 kHz
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