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SAS-540 AH Systems Biconical Antenna Used

SAS-540 AH Systems Biconical Antenna Used

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  • 20 MHz to 330 MHz
  • Individually Calibrated
  • FCC, CISPR and MIL-STD Testing
  • Rugged Construction
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This Biconical antenna will provide reliable, repeatable measurements. An ideal solution and a standard workhorse of any EMC test house for compliance testing.

The A.H. Systems SAS-540 Biconical antenna operates efficiently over the frequency range of 20 MHz to 330 MHz and is designed within the MIL-STD-462 size requirements. Compact in size, this Biconical Antenna is an ideal for use in a shielded room or anechoic chamber. The antenna balun is designed using as unbalanced to balanced transformer for improved linearity response and is the standard workhorse of any EMC compliance test house. CISPR 16-1-4 specifies the Biconical antenna as the preferred antenna to cover the 30 MHz to 250 MHz range for the lowest measurement uncertainty.


Some antenna manufacturers add an unsymmetrical crosspiece to the bicohnical elements in order to solve the inherent dip at the upper frequency response. Our solution is a simple ferrite around the center post of the elements, thus eliminating changing the symmetry of the antenna. The superior symmetry of the SAS-540 biconical antenna meets the ANSI C63.5-2017 symmetry requirements.


One drawback to the biconical antenna design is the poor VSWR especially below 80 MHz. This is due to the limited size requirements spelled out in MIL-STD 462 and can be overcome by the selection of a larger element set. Another way to overcome this short fall is to add a 3 or 6 dB attenuator, this will improve the VSWR in the order of 2:1 or even better.

Radiation Pattern

Radiation PatternThe radiation pattern is a chart of the variation of the field intensity of an antenna as an angular function with respect to the axis. The radiation pattern of the biconical antennas are similar to the half-wave dipoles. They have an omni-directional response in the H-plane, and a figure eight shape in the E-plane. The H-plane beamwidth pattern makes these antennas ideal for field survey and spectrum monitoring.

Included parts:

  • SAS-540 Antenna Balun
  • 2 removeable rigid elements
  • ABC-B, Balun Clamp with 1/4-20 thread
  • Antenna Calibration Manual

Model No





AH Systems


330 MHz