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The Agilent 8672A Synthesized Signal Generator delivers precise microwave signals over the 2.0 to 18 GHz frequency range. It features calibrated and leveled output power, AM/FM modulation capability, and full HPIB programmability. The Agilent 8672A delivers exceptionally flat power across the full frequency range. For receiver sensitivity measurements, power is internally (or externally) leveled and calibrated to -120 dBm.
The 8672S consists of the 8672A and the 86720A frequency extension unit. This unit uses a heterodyne technique to extend the frequency coverage down to 10 MHz. It also adds pulse modulation capability over the entire 10 MHz to 18 GHz frequency range. Calibrated output level in this mode is available up to 2 GHz, while > 80 dB ON/OFF ratio is available across the entire 18 GHz frequency range.
Specifications for the 8672S are identical to those of a standard 8672A for the 2 to 18 GHz frequency range with the exception of 1 dB less maximum output power and no AM modulation below 2 GHz.
Existing 8672A Signal Generators can be retrofitted to the Agilent 8672S with the 86720A Frequency Extension Unit and the 11731A or the 11732A Frequency Extension Retrofit Kit.
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