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The Agilent 70311A module is a synthesized clock source designed to operate from 16 to 3300 MHz. The 70311A is part of the Modular Measurement System and may be used as a clock source for the Agilent 71600 Series of error performance analyzers and pattern generators, or any other MMS system with a suitable display. The clock source contains a non-volatile memory store which can be used to store and recall 10 user-defined instrument setups.
The Agilent 70311A can be used with the 70841B pattern generator, which does not have an internal clock source, and the Agilent 70842B error detector, both of which are part of an Agilent 71600 Series System. The Agilent 70311A may be used with an Agilent 70310A precision frequency reference in applications which require greater frequency accuracy.
The 70311A clock source modules include the standard HP-IB status indicators (RMT, LSN, TLK, SRQ) and MMS status indicators (ACT, ERR). It also includes a fault indicator LED; if this is on, then the instrument has detected a hardware fault.
The 70311A does not itself have a display or keyboard capability. It formats information suitable for an MMS display and communicated with the display over the HP-MSIB interface. The recommended display for use with the clock source is the 70004A.
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