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The Agilent Z2404B 64-Channel Isolated Digital Input/Interrupt module provides 64 isolated digital input channels configured as four 16-bit ports. The module is used for sensing signals and detecting edge changes on digital inputs. The module is a C-Size VXIbus register-based product that operates in a C-Size VXIbus mainframe. Each isolated channel can withstand up to 115 Vac RMS or 115 Vdc difference in ground potential between channels. The input threshold for each channel is selectable with a jumper to allow for inputs with high logic levels from 5 to 48 volts. Each channel can be individually masked to generate an interrupt on a positive and/or negative edge transition. Channel inputs are also "debounced" to help prevent erroneous transition detection on noisy signals. Two programmable clock sources control the debounce circuitry (one for ports 0 and 1, one for ports 2 and 3).
The Agilent Z2404B simultaneously monitors each channel for the occurrence of transitions, (i.e., edge events), or for level sensing signals which meet preprogrammed parameters for magnitude and duty. Each channel is electrically isolated from all other channels, power, ground, and other current paths within the limits of specification. Each channel may be independently programmed to sense only positive transitions, only negative transitions, or transitions of either polarity.
The Agilent Z2404B simultaneously monitors each channel for the occurrence of transitions, (i.e., edge events), or for level sensing signals which meet preprogrammed parameters for magnitude and duty. Each channel is electrically isolated from all other channels, power, ground, and other current paths within the limits of specification. Each channel may be independently programmed to sense only positive transitions, only negative transitions, or transitions of either polarity.
The Agilent Z2404B can be programmed to monitor channel occurrences either internally with a 1.0 MHz sample clock, or externally, with a sourced capture clock. Using either clocking technique, data channels may function as edge detect inputs and/or data capture inputs.
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