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N2264A Agilent Data Logger Used

N2264A Agilent Data Logger Used

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Additional Features:

  • 12 +3 GP +16-bit Digital I/O in one module
  • High speed switching in parallel operation
  • Built-in relay cycle counters
  • 12 GP channels switch up to 200 V, 1 A ,60 W or 62.5 VA
  • 3 high current channels switch up to 5A, 125 VDC or 200V AC RMS
  • 16 bi-directional, digital IO lines are TTL compatible with 3 lines for handshaking
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The Agilent N2264A is designed for applications that require multiple functions in one module for space saving and system cost saving. Its three high current channels are especially useful in automated test systems for cellular phone test or battery test where only two or three high current channels are needed. There are four connection accessories for ease of wiring. The 12 general purpose channels are non-latching relays which can switch up to 200 V, 1 A ,60 W or 62.5 VA. The three high current channels are non- latching relays, switching up to 5 A, 125 V DC or 200 V AC RMS.

The 16 bits digital I/O provides 16 bi- directional data lines (bits) plus three lines used for control and handshaking. The 16-bit I/O lines are TTL compatible input/output, or TTL compatible input and open collector output up to 42 V. The 16 I/O bits can be addressed individually (bit-by-bit), or as two independent 8-bit ports, or as one 16-bit port. A Zener diode is used in each channel for input voltage over protection (>42V DC), and ESD protection. Each I/O line can sink up to 0.6 A to control external devices. The Agilent N2264A Multifunction Module combines 12 general purpose relay, three high current relays and 16-bit digital input/output in one module.

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