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We took the measurement engine from our best-selling bench top DMM and embedded it inside a 3-slot mainframe. You get the benefit of proven Keysight measurement performance, universal inputs with built-in signal conditioning, and modular flexibility, all in a low-cost, compact data acquisition package. The Keysight 34972A features 6½ digits (22 bits) of resolution, 0.004% basic dcV accuracy, and ultra-low reading noise. Combine that with scan rates of up to 250 channels/sec, and you’ve got the speed and accuracy you need to get the job done right the first time.
Whether you need to measure temperature, ac/dc volts, resistance, frequency, or current, the 34972A can handle it. The internal autoranging DMM directly measures 11 different functions, eliminating the need for expensive external signal conditioning. And our unique design allows complete per channel configurability for maximum flexibility and quick, easy set up. It’s like having an independent, high-performance DMM behind each channel.
Whether you use GPIB, RS-232, LAN or USB interfaces, this data acquistion unit offers easy connection to the PC. The 34972A has built-in Gigabit LAN and USB 2.0 so you can connect to a modern PC without having to purchase any GPIB cards, cables or converter boxes. With the standard LAN connections you also get the added benefit of a graphical Web interface for easy configuration of measurements and monitoring of results using a standard Web browser.
The 34972A also features a built-in USB memory port so that you can use a USB flash drive to upload BenchLink Data Logger configurations into the 34972A and collect data without being connected to a PC. Data can be logged directly to the USB flash drive, extending your instrument’s memory, or copied from internal memory for transfer to a computer in another location.
The built-in graphical Web interface provides easy access and control of the instrument using a Java-enabled Web browser such as Internet Explorer. Using this interface you can configure measurements, define and execute scan lists, or monitor measurement results from anywhere on the network. Simply enter the instrument host name or IP address into the browser URL and gain access to the instrument’s capabilities with simple point and click control right in your browser.
Additionally, since the Web interface is built into the instrument, you can access it on any operating system that supports a Web browser without having to install any special software.
The Data Acquisition / Data Logger Switch Unit consists of a 3-slot mainframe with a built-in 6 ½ digit DMM and 8 different switch & control modules. This product features built-in LAN and USB interfaces so you can easily connect to a PC or laptop without needing to purchase additional IO cards or converter interfaces. The intuitive graphical Web interface offers easy remote control over the network with per channel measurement configuration, data logging, and data monitoring. The Agilent 34972A can accept any of the Agilent 34970A plug-in modules.
It’s a data logger
Configured with a 20-channel relay multiplexer, the data acquisition unit becomes a powerful, low-cost data logger for simple characterization applications. What’s more, the 34972A with its LAN and USB interfaces is ideal for easy setup and control for data logging applications in remote locations.
It’s a data acquisition front end
The 34970A/34972A is an automated test system with excellent measurement performance—it’s got the accuracy, resolution, and speed you need. See page 10 for application information.
It’s a switch system
Order the mainframe without the internal DMM and you’ve got an even lower cost, high-quality signal routing solution.
With a simple address change it is easily integrated into an existing test with no wiring or hardware changes. The plug-in modules also feature on-board screw terminals and relay closure count so you can create a compact data logger, full-featured data acquisition system or low-cost switching unit that is easy to connect, configure and use on the bench, on a network or in field applications.
The LXI Data Acquisition/Switch Unit is an LXI version of the 34970A. It replaces the GPIB and RS-232 interfaces with modern connectivity for a direct connection to your PC or Laptop. The 8 plug-in modules can be used with either unit—so all the measurements and wiring are compatible. This unit can be easily integrated into an existing test program with a simple change to the instrument address. Since the code is a superset of the 34970A code, once the instrument address is changed, the test program will run as normal.
34972A vs 34970A comparison
Features | 34970A | 34972A |
Support 8 plug-in modules | x | x |
LabView drivers | x | x |
IVI-C, IVI-COM drivers | x | x |
BenchLink Data Logger | x | x |
Optional BenchLink Data Logger Pro | x | x |
Graphical Web interface | x | |
Gigabit LAN | x | |
USB 2.0 | x | |
USB memory port | x | |
GPIB | x | |
RS-232 | x |
Model No
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