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The Keysight Agilent HP 71603B, Error Performance Analyzer, accurately characterize your Gbit systems, devices and components including R&D and manufacturing test of lightwave components and sub-assemblies, advanced computer technology and high-capacity communication systems. For transmission systems up to 3 Gb/s, such as datacoms and CATV trunk feeds, the Keysight Agilent HP 71603B and Keysight Agilent HP 71603B Option 807 error performance analyzers (3 and 1.5 Gb/s) provide a range of PRBS and user-defined patterns with versatile triggering facilities. Powerful application software to speed measurement time. The Keysight Agilent HP E4543A Q Factor and Eye Contour application software. Designed to simplify the characterization of high speed optical communication links, automatically calculating the Q figure of merit. Adaptable application software for full functional testing. The Keysight Agilent HP E4544A OC-192/STM-64 application software automatically constructs SONET/SDH frames for functional test of network elements. Features including error and alarm generation plus CID stressing patterns.
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