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FPC-COM2 Rohde & Schwarz Spectrum Analyzer New

FPC-COM2 Rohde & Schwarz Spectrum Analyzer New

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  • 5kHz - 3 GHz frequency range
  • Includes several software options - modulation analysis, pre-amp, vector reflection measurement, receiver mode, advanced measurements
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The Rohde and Schwarz FPC-COM2 (catalog number 1328.6660P99) is a specially priced package, available for a limited time. This includes the FPC1500 spectrum analyzer, with several software options at a large discount. The following software options are included with the FPC-COM2:

  • Frequency upgrade to 3 GHz (FPC-B2, B3)
  • Modulation analysis - AM, FM, ASK, FSK (FPC-K7)
  • Pre-amplifier (FPC-B22)
  • Vector reflection measurement (FPC-K42)
  • Receiver mode (FPC-K43)
  • Advanced Measurements (Channel power, ACLR, OBW, SEM, Spur emission, TOI, Spectrogram Display) (FPC-K55)

Outstanding quality and innovation does not have to come with a high price tag. The R&S FPC spectrum analyzer provides unexpected performance at a budget-friendly price. It is engineered in Germany and designed to the same quality standards as high-end instruments.

Investment protection, high resolution and easy control - these traits make the R&S FPC spectrum analyzer a perfect tool for university laboratories, research institutions as well as production and service facilities.

The R&S FPC has the Value of Three: it is the only spectrum analyzer on the market that provides the value of three instruments. Incidentally, these are the three most commonly used instruments on an RF engineer's workbench, for instance in IoT device development.

1. Spectrum analyzer
The R&S FPC is a spectrum analyzer that provides investment protection through software frequency upgrade capability. It features class-leading RF performance engineered in Germany. In addition, PC and mobile remote control options are available.

2. Vector network analyzer
The R&S FPC is a vector network analyzer that utilizes an integrated VSWR bridge to achieve one-port vector network analysis, with a Smith chart display available. Having an integrated VSWR bridge means there is no need to mount/dismount an external bridge during test operation.

3. Signal generator
The R&S FPC is a signal generator due to the unique independent source principle. Not only does it provide standard tracking generator functionality, it can also be used in free or coupled CW modes.

By combining the Value of Three instruments, the R&S FPC is truly unique. The advantages of this three-in-one concept reach further than having only one bench space occupied. A single instrument also means that to obtain the specified measurement performance, only a single investment and a single calibration are required.
Investment protection
The R&S FPC is future-proof thanks to the unique Rohde & Schwarz upgrade path. The base unit covers a frequency range from 5 kHz to 1 GHz, with keycode-activated upgrades available.

The R&S FPC can be upgraded by simply entering a software keycode. All options are in place and can be enabled by the user. The unique Rohde & Schwarz upgrade path eliminates the need for additional upgrade calibration.

High resolution
The R&S FPC has the largest, highest-resolution display of any entry level spectrum analyzer. More horizontal plus more vertical display size and resolution means more signal details in unprecedented clarity. This class-leading display of the R&S FPC visualizes the outstanding quality of the signal measurements.

The quality of RF measurements strongly depends on suitable resolution bandwidth settings. Finer resolution bandwidth means more resolved spectral detail. High sensitivity is critical in many applications, e.g. when measuring extremely weak signals. The R&S FPC provides an extraordinarily low noise floor of typ. -150 dBm with 1 Hz resolution bandwidth setting.

The optional R&S FPC-B22 preamplifier increases sensitivity even further, to typ. -165 dBm. While most entry level spectrum analyzers can measure up to +20 dBm (100 mW), the R&S FPC is able to measure high-power signals of up to +30 dBm (1 W).

The combination of low noise floor and high max. input power provides an exceptionally wide measurement dynamic range in the R&S FPC.

*The image is a representation of selection. See specifications for product details.

Model No





Rohde & Schwarz


3 GHz