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Vector Network Analyzer 9kHz-13.6GHz, 2 Port, R&S ID 1303.6509K13, with options: B4 = OCXO Reference Frequency; B5 = Adds Interfaces: Video Out, IF Out, Noise Source Control, Aux Port, Connector for NRP Power Sensors; B6= TV Trigger; B7 = Narrow Resolution Filters;B8=Gated Sweep B10 = GPIB Interface; B22 = RF Preamplifier (3GHz/6GHz)
The R&S ZVL13 is a Vector Network Analyzer with a bandwidth from 9 kHz to 13.6 GHz and combines the functions of a network analyzer, spectrum analyzer, (option K1) and power meter in a single box. It is ideal for lab applications where the measurement tasks vary frequently.
It can be used to measure S-parameters as well as the output spectrum, ACP, and TOI without having to reconnect the device under test (DUT).
With the ZVL, production lines can now be run even more flexibly, as the switchover from network analyzer to spectrum analyzer can easily be effected via remote control. Moreover, an NRP-Z power sensor, which can be directly connected to the Rohde & Schwarz ZVL, ensures precise power measurements.
Model No
Rohde & Schwarz
13.6 GHz