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Service technicians can use the DSAM-3300 to troubleshoot, find, and fix network and service problems.
Simply being able to test complete digital and internet protocol (IP) services is not enough in today's market. You need test equipment that empowers your field workforce, improving productivity, efficiency, and customer satisfaction.
Customers demand the highest levels of service and support. Service providers must deploy services quicker and ensure quality installations the first time, every time.
The digital services analysis meter (DSAM) incorporates state-of-the-art digital signal processing (DSP) and data-over-cable service interface specification (DOCSIS®) technologies to test cable modemservices, digital video, analog video, and VoIP.With just one meter you can test virtually all of your services. There is no need for multiple meters or to change test equipment—even with voice over IP (VoIP) services.
The automated test capability of the DSAM can be custom configured and protected by administrators to assure specific tests are conducted the same way by all technicians. Results of the test may be saved for further analysis and archiving on a personal computer (PC). Upgrading the meter can be as simple as downloading a file from the Web. Designed for use in conditions that your field workforce will encounter, the DSAM meters are rugged, reliable, and ready to use by even less skilled technicians. Reduce repeat calls by finding and fixing the problems the first time. Whether the problem is at the home or in the network, the DSAM can perform the tests needed to help identify and correct the problem, thus eliminating the need for future calls.
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