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Protocol Test from R&D to Certification
Covers the entire range of GSM/(E)GPRS and WCDMA/HSPA protocol measurements required from the beginning to the end of your project:
Modular Concept
The protocol testers of the R&S® CRTU family are based on a flexible modular concept that covers 2G and 3G (WCDMA, HSPA) test requirements. The R&S® CRTU is a future-proof investment, as the base units can be adapted to new test requirements.
Built-in scalability, so that existing GSM/(E)GPRS test systems can be expanded to WCDMA/HSPA test systems and vice versa.
Comprehensive Test Cases
Supplies all certification related test cases and features at a very early stage:
Full Automatic Test Sequences
Flexible concept for the automatic execution of test sequences:
The R&S®CRTU family of protocol testers provides powerful and comprehensive functionality for the design and verification of protocol stacks. This family of testers covers an extensive range of applications and meets even the most exacting demands. The protocol testers R&S®CRTU-G/S and R&S®CRTU-W/M cover the entire range of GSM/(E)GPRS and WCDMA/HSPA protocol measurements required from the beginning to the end of a development project.
Supported Technologies
Timebase OCXO
Reference frequency inputs/outputs
Synchronization input: BNC connector REFIN
Synchronization output 1: BNC connector REFOUT1
Synchronization output 2: BNC connector REFOUT2
Synchronization output 3: BNC connector REFOUT3
RF generator (CW signals)
Output level uncertainty RF1, RF2 In temperature range +20 °C to +35 °C
450 MHz to 2200 MHz
2200 MHz to 2700 MHz
In temperature range +5 °C to +45 °C
450 MHz to 2200 MHz
2200 MHz to 2700 MHz
*Note 2: Not valid at frequencies of netclock harmonics.
*Note 3: Valid for RF1 only.
Output level uncertainty RF3OUT
In temperature range +20 °C to +35 °C
10 MHz to 450 MHz
450 MHz to 2200 MHz
2200 MHz to 2700 MHz
In temperature range +5 °C to +45 °C
10 MHz to 450 MHz
450 MHz to 2200 MHz
2200 MHz to 2700 MHz
General Specifications
The protocol testers of the CRTU family are based on a flexible modular concept that covers 2G and 3G (WCDMA, HSPA) test requirements. This means that the CRTU is a future-proof investment, as the base units can be adapted to new test requirements.
The core elements of this family are the CRTU radio unit (RU) and the CRTU protocol unit (PU), which can be used in a variety of instrument configurations.
Two standalone testers form the basis for all configurations:
One base unit in each case provides two channels (GSM) or cells (WCDMA) that you can configure completely independently of each other. Two more channels/cells can be added for multichannel/multicell tests by simply adding one more CRTU-G/S or CRTU-W/M.
You can also combine the two technologies in one unit: CRTU-GW or CRTU-MS. You can thus run WCDMA/HSPA or GSM/(E)GPRS protocol tests depending on your requirements.
It does not matter whether your existing instrument is an CRTU-G/S or an CRTU-W/M – either tester can easily be upgraded to provide the combined functionality.
Inter-RAT handover tests require at least one CRTU-W and one CRTU-G that must be connected with each other. All test cases prioritized by GCF require two CRTU-G and three CRTU-W units.
Radio resource management is another category that requires test scenarios covering both radio access technologies. The RRM test cases require a spectrum analyzer and a fading simulator in addition to the CRTU-W and CRTU-G protocol testers.
Model No
Rohde & Schwarz
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