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The Bruel & Kjaer 2012 Audio Analyzer is a powerful instrument for transducer measurements and system analysis. It features a colour screen, built-in 31/2² floppy disk drive, IEEE-488 and RS- 232-C interfaces, three measurement modes and an Auto Sequence facility. The Time Selective Response mode enables extremely fast, accurate, swept sine measurements of the free-field response of a transducer in an ordinary room up to the 20th harmonic. The Steady State Response mode enables stepped sine measurements of Harmonic, Difference Frequency and Intermodulation distortion. The 2012 also incorporates a 1600 line single-channel FFT for spectrum measurements.
The Bruel & Kjaer 2012 has numerous post-processing capabilities: windowing, block arithmetic, addition of poles and zeros, square and square root, absolute value, and editing of response data. Applications include development and quality control testing of loudspeakers, telephones, microphones and other electroacoustic and vibration transducers.
Model No
Bruel & Kjaer
40 kHz
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