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MSO8064A Agilent Mixed Signal Oscilloscope Used

MSO8064A Agilent Mixed Signal Oscilloscope Used

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Additional Features:

  • Bandwidth: 600 MHz 
  • Channels: 4 Analog and 16 Digital
  • Sample Rate: 4 GSa/s 
  • 8 Mpts standard memory
  • Extensive selection of software applications
  • Connectivity: LAN, USB, GPIB, LXI compliant and XGA video
  • Analog Signal Viewing: XGA color display with 256 levels of intensity
  • Windows based touchscreen with drag and drop measurements
  • Vector Signal Analysis Options
  • Pattern and mixed signal triggering across all analog and digital channels
  • Only integrated FPGA Dynamic Probe Application Options
  • Analog chart of digital bus activity
  • Drag and drop measurements
  • Responsive deep memory
  • Advanced triggering
  • Digital and mixed-signal trigger
  • Waveform and Listing Windows
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The Agilent MSO8064A, with standard 4 Mpts, and up to 128 Mpts of memory, allows you to capture long time periods while retaining fast sample rates. Fast update rates mean your scope stays responsive with deep memory on, ensuring precise representation of analog signals. The 16 digital channels let you see critical data values and timing relationships on the MSO8064A.

Gain superior insight into analog, digital, or serial design challenges. The Infiniium MS- Windows®-based MSO8064A provides unmatched acquisition performance with up to 128 Mpts of deep memory mapped to a high-definition display, powered by MegaZoom technology.

Oscilloscope Capabilities

Scope channels ensure superior viewing of signals under test. All models incorporate a powerful, feature-packed Infiniium oscilloscope with responsive deep memory.

Responsive deep memory

With standard 4 Mpts, and up to 128 Mpts of memory, you can capture long time periods while retaining fast sample rates. Fast update rates mean your scope stays responsive with deep memory on, ensuring precise representation of analog signals.

Advanced triggering

Advanced triggers are essential when you are investigating suspected problems. Infiniium offers a full range of advanced triggers to help you isolate and capture the condition you need to characterize.

Drag and drop measurements

It’s simple: drag an icon from the measurement bar and drop it on the cycle you want to measure. You can make up to five measurements on your waveforms, on up to five different cycles. All of the measurements appear at the bottom of the display with statistics and are color-coded to the channel you are measuring.

MSO Capabilities-MSO models add 16 high-speed timing channels

Digital and mixed-signal trigger Trigger on and display individual signals or buses. With precise time-correlation between analog and digital signals, confidently trigger across any combination of analog and digital signals simultaneously.

Industry’s only segmented memory for both analog and digital channels

Capture short bursts without consuming memory during periods when the trigger condition is not met. Agilent is the only vendor that supports segmented memory capture on both analog and digital channels.

Waveform and Listing Windows

View buses as waveforms or easily follow events in the listing window expandable to the entire display. A blue tracking marker provides time-correlation between waveform and listing displays.

Model No









600 MHz

Record length

8 MPts

Sampling rate

4 GS/s